- 8
Flutter build apk --release ERROR SigningConfig "release" is missing required property "keyPassword"
#548 opened by ighidan - 0
Adding features to a site
#555 opened by ptwiratman - 2
Unable to connect to Alfresco
#554 opened by gb-123-git - 1
Emulator: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [C:\Jbrasil\Android\Sdk]!
#553 opened by jrbrasil - 7
issue while trying to make custom application
#408 opened by ostwalankit - 2
Error open project
#551 opened by jrbrasil - 0
Vulnerable third-party library
#552 opened by Bombita010 - 2
- 1
Sync all an Alfresco Site
#443 opened by Denz86 - 1
Offline files need to load online metadata to open
#445 opened by dhufnagel - 1
Redirect to application ?
#446 opened by Denz86 - 3
Malformed User-Agent
#375 opened by lelmarir - 1
Icon Name on android
#442 opened by Denz86 - 1
- 3
Not able to build project.
#444 opened by KinjalDhamat312 - 1
Do not support Chinese in the following location
#449 opened by Jisumix - 1
Import Alfresco app in android studio
#448 opened by agalliani - 0
My Tasks - My Filter... does not work
#515 opened by filipeaugustosantos - 10
- 5
- 3
- 3
Android 4.2.2 crash client
#407 opened by alejandrosenes - 2
what about jpg upload from Camera
#409 opened by amet123 - 1
Profile availability for specified users
#419 opened by Denz86 - 2
The configuration.json don´t work
#405 opened by robsoncardosoti - 5
Search fails for some strings
#365 opened by iwkse - 3
The View File Properties is wrong
#406 opened by robsoncardosoti - 15
Unable to Deploy alfresco-android-app
#311 opened by adctzm - 2
Publish APK on Github?
#389 opened by IzzySoft - 2
Calendar support
#387 opened by iwkse - 4
Favourite menu : scrolling don't work
#361 opened by mlenormand - 1
- 1
Trying to compile 1.6 version with Gradle
#363 opened by wojciechjablonski96 - 1
Preview doesn't generate the image
#345 opened by iwkse - 1
JBPM Workflows
#336 opened by patriciay-appno - 15
Could not find
#306 opened by mahermeg17 - 12
Error when compiling 1.4.1
#246 opened by wimco - 2
Cannot access "My Files" when username contains '@'
#289 opened by sebvdk - 2
question: sites order
#179 opened by cristianfrog - 5
zipalign issue
#225 opened by sabrinemoumni - 2
Force close dans l'application sur google play
#226 opened by sabrinemoumni - 2
google analytics
#227 opened by sabrinemoumni - 30
error version alfersco android sdk
#220 opened by sabrinemoumni - 5
- 3
faild to sign the apk
#224 opened by sabrinemoumni - 4
error picasso load image
#223 opened by sabrinemoumni - 1
#221 opened by sabrinemoumni - 10
Can't compile alfresco android app
#173 opened by cristianfrog - 2
Issue when download older version file
#146 opened by tonoman3g - 1
Missing workflow
#147 opened by labasus