
Alfresco base Tomcat image

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Alfresco Docker Base Tomcat Build Status

This repository contains the Dockerfile used to create the parent Tomcat image that will be used by Alfresco engineering teams, other internal groups in the organization, customers and partners to create Tomcat bases application images from.

Images are available for latest Tomcat 10.1.x and 9.0.x.

This image depends on the alfresco-docker-base-java.


Choose between one of the available flavours built from this repository:

Tomcat version Java version Java flavour OS Image tag Size
9 11 jre Centos 7 tomcat9-jre11-centos7 tomcat9-jre11-centos7 size
9 11 jre Rocky Linux 8 tomcat9-jre11-rockylinux8 tomcat9-jre11-rockylinux8 size
9 17 jre Rocky Linux 8 tomcat9-jre17-rockylinux8 tomcat9-jre17-rockylinux8 size
10 11 jre Rocky Linux 8 tomcat9-jre11-rockylinux8 tomcat10-jre11-rockylinux8 size
10 17 jre Rocky Linux 8 tomcat10-jre17-rockylinux8 tomcat10-jre17-rockylinux8 size
10 17 jre Rocky Linux 9 tomcat10-jre17-rockylinux9 tomcat10-jre17-rockylinu9 size
  • Docker Hub image name: alfresco/alfresco-base-tomcat
  • Quay image name: quay.io/alfresco/alfresco-base-tomcat

Example final image: alfresco/alfresco-base-tomcat:tomcat9-jre11-centos7

If you are using this base image in a public repository, please stick to the Docker Hub published image.

Image pinning

The pinning suggestions provided in alfresco-base-java are valid for this image too.


The image can be used via docker run to run java applications with --read-only set.

Depending on your use case, you may want to set the following path as volumes:

  • /usr/local/tomcat/logs
  • /usr/local/tomcat/work
  • /usr/local/tomcat/temp
  • /usr/local/tomcat/conf/Catalina

The Tomcat in this image is running with Security Manager switched on. This may impact performance. The Security Manager can be disabled by overriding the startup command to:

CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]


Naming specs

The images built from this repository are named as follow:


How to build an image locally

To build this image, run the following script:

docker buildx build -t $IMAGE_REPOSITORY . \
  --build-arg JAVA_MAJOR=$JAVA_MAJOR \


  • DISTRIB_NAME is centos or rockylinux
  • DISTRIB_MAJOR is 7 for centos, 8 or 9 for rockylinux
  • JAVA_MAJOR is 11 or 17 for rockylinux only
  • TOMCAT_MAJOR is 8 or 9


Just push a commit on the default branch including [release] in the message to trigger a release on the CI.