
SDK for development using the APA Process Runtime services

Primary LanguageMustacheApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Welcome to the Alfresco Process SDK

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What is Alfresco Process SDK?

The Alfresco Process SDK includes APIs and samples that allows developers to quickly build Java applications that integrate with APA.

This SDK provides functionality to connect to Cloud-based servers. APA version 7.x and above are supported.

The APIs contained within have been generated using Swagger Codegen from the public API definitions.

What is included?

The Alfresco Process SDK consists of these parts:

  • The main API (alfresco-apa-java-rest-api) allows applications to consume APA public REST APIs.
  • The samples folder includes a sample application configured to use the SDK. This has a docker-compose file and scripts that allows you to build and run the application. See README for more details.
  • Common logic for REST APIs (primarily for authentication)

Getting Started

Usage Notes

It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.

Quick start

This section contains the steps required for using the SDK with Spring.


  • Java version 17 or higher
  • Maven version 3.3 or higher

1. Create a new Spring Boot application

2. Add these dependencies to your project's build file


First, add to the repositories the Alfresco public repository containing the artifacts:




Then, add the dependency on the APA starter


  <!-- APA Java REST APIs -->


First, add to the repositories the Alfresco public repository containing the artifacts:

repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public"

Then, add the dependency on the starter

compile "org.alfresco:alfresco-apa-java-rest-api-spring-boot-starter:{version-number}"

3. Configure Authentication for the REST API

In your application.yml file you can configure settings related to the content service repository, authentication mechanism, and credentials for accessing the REST API:

    url: https://repository:8080
        username: username-here
        password: password-here

If you are using OAuth2, you can use client-credential based authentication:

            provider: alfresco-identity-service
            client-id: clientId
            client-secret: clientSecret
            authorization-grant-type: client_credentials
            token-uri: ${keycloak.auth-server-url}/auth/realms/${keycloak.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token

Or OAuth2 password based authentication:

            provider: alfresco-identity-service
            client-id: clientId
            client-secret: clientSecret
            username: username-here
            password: password-here
            authorization-grant-type: password
            token-uri: ${keycloak.auth-server-url}/auth/realms/${keycloak.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token

Additionally, if you want to provide a custom authentication mechanism, you can enable the delegated external authentication:

      delegated: true

And provide a bean that implements the interface DelegatedAuthenticationProvider.

4. Configure Other Settings

Here are some settings you may need to configure in your Application configuration file before using the SDK

  auth-server-url: http://example.com/auth}
  principal-attribute: ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_PRINCIPAL_ATTRIBUTE:preferred-username}
  public-client: ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT:true}
  realm: ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_REALM:springboot}
  resource: ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_RESOURCE:activiti}
    - authRoles:
        - ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_ROLES:user}
        - patterns:
            - ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_PATTERNS:/v1/*}
    - authRoles:
        - ${admin-role-name}
        - patterns:
            - /admin/*
  ssl-required: ${ACT_KEYCLOAK_SSL_REQUIRED:none}

      url: https://example.com
      path: /example-app/query
      url: https://example.com
      path: /example-app/rb
      url: https://example.com
      path: /example-app/form
      url: https://example.com
      path: /example-app/audit
      url: https://example.com
      path: /deployment-service
      url: https://example.com
      path: /modeling-service
      url: https://example.com
      path: /process-storage

    url: ${AUTHENTICATION_RUNTIME_URL:http://example.com}
    path: ${AUTHENTICATION_PATH:/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1}

    url: ${PROCESS_SERVICE_URL:http://example.com}
    path: ${PROCESS_SERVICE_PATH:/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1}

4. Consume the REST API

  • Add to your main Spring application

    @EnableFeignClients(basePackages = {"com.alfresco.core.handler",
    public class SampleApplication { }
  • Copy the class in the folder config/FeignConfiguration.java in your project In order to resolve the references in FeignConfiguration you will need the following <dependencies>

  • If you are using keycloak you must include also the following:


To see how classes within the SDK can be used to call APIs, refer to this example

Usage in a non-spring application

You can check the documentation here: https://github.com/OpenFeign/feign

Building the SDK

It is not necessary to build the SDK in order to use it. You can instead reference the released version of the sdk by following the instructions above.

If you still intend to build it, follow these instructions:


  • Java version 17 or higher
  • Maven version 3.3 or higher
  • An APA environment with a deployed application from which to fetch the API definitions

Build Steps

In order to build the SDK for the first time you will need access to a running APA environment. This is necessary in order to retrieve the API definitions.

You can either set the necessary environment variables ahead of time, or include them with the build command.

Setting in advance:

MAVEN_CLI_OPTS="${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} -Denvironment.host=your-installed-environment-host"
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS="${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} -Denvironment.apa.host=your-installed-apa-environment-host"
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS="${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} -Denvironment.application.name=your-deployed-APA-application-name"

Included on command line:

mvn clean install -Denvironment.host=your-installed-environment-host -Denvironment.apa.host=your-installed-apa-environment-host -Denvironment.application.name=your-deployed-APA-application-name

This will generate the source code for the APA REST API clients first, then it will compile all the modules and run the corresponding unit and integration tests.

If you want to skip the generation of the REST API clients code, you can do so by setting the maven property skip.generation:

mvn clean install -Dskip.generation

However, you must build the project at least once without skipping the generation step in order to compile the SDK. From that point, you can skip the generation step if unneeded.

License Management

Modules in this repo use the following Maven plugins to perform licensing related tasks:

Since these plugins have the same name (excluding the groupId), running them requires qualifiying the goal with the full name.

Updating the license header

To check that the license header is consistent across all source files, run this command:

mvn com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:check

If any source files have a modified or missing license header, this goal will fail.

To fix the license header on all source files, run this command:

mvn com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:format

Any files that did not have the correct header will be reformatted and appear in your unstaged changes.

You can use this command to update the license header when the Copyright year should be updated. Before running the format goal, modify pom.xml with the current year:


See the plugin documentation for all possible goals.

Listing Third Party Licenses

To list all third party licenses across all modules, the following command can be used:

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:aggregate-third-party-report

This will create a file located at .\target\site\aggregate-third-party-report.html, which contains a list of the licenses for all dependencies for all modules.

Additionally, per-module text-based reports can be created with this command:

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:add-third-party

For each module a file will be created at target\generated-sources\license\THIRD-PARTY.txt

See the plugin documentation for all possible goals.


Running on GH Actions.

For Dependabot PRs to be validated by CI, the label "CI" should be added to the PR.

Requires the following variables to be set:

Name Description
ENVIRONMENT_APA_HOST URL of APA environment to use for SDK generation
ENVIRONMENT_APP Name of the app within the environment to use for SDK generation
ENVIRONMENT_HOST Base URL of environment to use for SDK generation

Requires the following secrets to be set:

Name Description
BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN Token to launch other builds on GH
BOT_GITHUB_USERNAME Username to issue propagation PRs
DOCKER_USERNAME Docker Hub repository username
DOCKER_PASSWORD Docker Hub repository password
NEXUS_USERNAME Internal Maven repository username
NEXUS_PASSWORD Internal Maven repository password
QUAY_USERNAME Quay.io docker registry username
QUAY_PASSWORD Quay.io docker registry password
SLACK_NOTIFICATION_BOT_TOKEN Token to notify slack on failure