Alfresco Connector for Hyland Experience Insight: Sends ACS events to Hx Insight and updates the Repository with the predictions that it generates
- aescaffreHyland
- andrea-ligios@HylandSoftware @Alfresco @Activiti
- aonychGdańsk
- birajchoudhury
- bremmington
- dcaruana
- EquinoxBlackLondon
- eromano@Alfresco
- evasques
- gicappaHyland / Alfresco
- jcarraskoBarcelona
- jestySalerno
- jportill13
- katiebrill
- kkonoAlfresco
- kqffloAlfresco Software Ltd.
- krwatsonAlfresco
- magemello@Alfresco @Activiti
- mavotto@HylandSoftware @Alfresco
- mchillmanalfresco
- miguel-rodriguezUnited Kingdom
- montgolfiere
- nbarithelLyon, France
- ozfSoftware Square, Byte Town, Logicstate, Computronia
- parzgnat
- psdfrischHyland Software
- rvellozoAlfresco Software Ltd
- sashcraft@Alfresco
- sayantanranaIndia
- semisse@HylandSoftware
- sherrymax@Alfresco
- sirtymanHyland
- storedbox@HylandSoftware
- tiagosalvado10
- tomaszhanaj
- ycoulonFinistère, France