
A database of clean bibtex files

Primary LanguageTeX

AlgebraicJulia pubs database

This is a database of clean bibtex files, managed using pubs.

In your .pubsrc you should have the following to make sure that new entries are given the right name.

normalize_citekey = True
citekey_format = {author_last_name:l}_{short_title}_{year}

In order to export bibliographies for given projects, use ./extract.sh $texfile > $bibfile, and all citations in your tex file which exist in the pubs database will be output into $bibfile. Specifically, the script looks for \cite{...}. If you are citing in some other way, ask ChatGPT to rewrite ./extract.sh to also do that.

One can also do:

pubs export $(cat BIB_ENTRIES_FILE) > my_paper.bib