
A user-friendly library to fetch kline data from several crypto exchanges.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A user-friendly library to fetch kline/ohlcv data from several crypto exchanges, using CCXT & pandas.

License: MIT


$ git clone https://github.com/AlgoQ/feda
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Some examples

  1. Fetch last 5000 daily candles for BTC/USDT:USDT (USDT settled perpetuals) & ETH/USDT:USDT on Binance & print these OHLCV dataframes
from asyncio import run
from feda import Feda

feda = Feda(symbols=['BTC/USDT:USDT', 'ETH/USDT:USDT'], timeframe='1d', limit=5000, exchangeId='binance')
data = run(feda.main())

for symbol, ohlcv in data.items():
  1. Fetch all weekly candle for all spot symbols on Bybit since 1 Jan 2023 (1672527600000 - https://currentmillis.com/) & export them to csv's
feda = Feda(timeframe='1h', startTime=1672527600000, marketType='spot', exchangeId='bybit')
data = run(feda.main())

for symbol, ohlcv in data.items():
    path = f'{symbol}_{feda.timeframe}_{ohlcv["timeframe"].min() // 1000}_{ohlcv["timeframe"].max() // 1000}.csv'
    ohlcv.to_csv(path, index=False)
    print(f'{symbol} OHLCV csv data saved at `{path}`')

Supported Exchanges

All exchanges that support fetchOHLCV on ccxt (most of them), supported CCXT exchanges

Feda Parameters

Parameter Type Default Value Description
symbols str or list None The trading pair symbol(s) or list of symbols.
timeframe str '1d' The timeframe for the OHLCV data.
startTime str None The start time in milliseconds for fetching historical data.
limit int None The maximum number of data points to retrieve.
marketType str 'spot' The market type. Options: spot, future, swap, option.
quote str None The quote currency for the trading pair (e.g., 'USDT').
settle str 'USDT' The settlement currency for the trading pair whenever the market type is swap. Options: USDT, USDC, COIN.
callType str 'ohlcv' The type of API call. Options: ohlcv (more options coming soon).
exchangeId str 'binance' The ID of the exchange to fetch data from. Options: All supported exchanges on CCXT.


  • Add more call types (like fundingRateHistories, tickers, ...)