React Shopping Cart

Shopping cart app built with React and Firebase. Currently WIP.

This app is a clone of

App Preview


(Version in video deployed Jul 10, 2023)


  • Products Display.
  • Cart Functions.
  • Basic Inventory Management.
  • Auth (Email/Password & Anonymous).
  • Mock Checkout Page.
  • User orders & addresses.

Future additions

Check issues tab.


  • Step 1: Clone Repository and Install Packages.
git clone && npm install
  • Step 2: Create firebase-config.js file inside src/firebase directory.
export const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: '',
  authDomain: '',
  databaseURL: '',
  projectId: '',
  storageBucket: '',
  messagingSenderId: '',
  appId: '',
  • Step 3: Start the development server.
npm start

Setup Firebase Project


Create products and users collections and carts, checkoutSessions and orders ones optionally.

Products Collection

products-collection Product collection holds both variants and skus collection.

  • collection: must match one of the allowed skus in CollectionPage component.
  • price: sets actual price. Variant doc handles discount logic.

Variants Subcollection

variants-subcollection-1 Each variant represents a different color.

  • productId: should hold parent doc id.
  • images: same id as folder which contains corresponding variant image in cloude storage. And src should be the link provided by cloud storage when uploading corresponding image.
  • variantPrice: should hold a number equal or less to product price. If variantPrice < price, then the product variant will be showed as "on sale" in UI.

Skus Subcollection

skus-subcollection-1 Although these docs are children of product doc, skus are specific to the product variant, not the product itself. Say for example, if variant has 5 sizes, there should be 5 sku docs, each one representing a different size. If the product has 2 colors, each with 5 sizes, you need to create 10 sku docs.

  • productId: should hold parent doc id.
  • variantId: should hold corresponding variant doc id.
  • value: this is the sku value. It's currently not used in the app itself. App uses the sku doc id generated by firebase.

Cloud Storage

cloud-storage-example Each image should be stored in a folder with a name that corresponds to its respective ID. Aditionally each image folder should be stored in the "product-images" repository. The "src" is obtained by clicking the link inside the red rectangle. See image above and the one in Variants Subcollection section.
