
A webpack loader for glsl files that supports conditional #include tags

Primary LanguageJavaScript

glsl conditional loader

A webpack loader for glsl files that support conditional #include tags. The loader loads a function that receives a properties object.


In webpack.config:

            test: /\.(glsl|frag|vert)$/,
            use: [
                    loader: 'glsl-conditional-loader',
                    options: {
                        verbose: false, //default = false
                        es5: true //default = true


  • verbose : when true, log messages will be printer to terminal during parsing
  • es5 : when false, an es6 arrow function will be used with template literals. when true, a regular es5 function with string concatenation will be used.


In glsl files

in your .glsl files, include other files with the #include tag and relative path add if statement to make this include conditional.

#include ./path/to/other.glsl

#include ./path/to/shaderA.glsl if shaderToUse==="A"
#include ./path/to/shaderB.glsl if shaderToUse==="B"
#include ./path/to/shaderC.glsl if shaderToUse==="A" && isUsingC === true

The loader substitutes the first line with the content of "./path/to/other.glsl" and substitutes the second line only if in the options object, the property 'shaderToUse' is 'A'.

You can use #include tags in included files recursively. Circular dependency will throw an error.

In javascript

const shaderCreator = require('./path/to/shader');
shaderSource = shaderCreator({
    shaderToUse: "A",
    isUsingC: false