Welcome to the Codemagic public documentation repository. As a Codemagic user, you can contribute to our documentation to improve it.
To contribute, fork the repository, make your changes and start a pull request. All pull requests will be reviewed by the Codemagic team.
We invite you to help out fellow Codemagic users by describing a frequent issue and providing a solution to it. Add your entry to the "Common issues" page under Troubleshooting.
Please follow the format of existing issues for consistency.
- Provide a clear description of the issue and the steps to reproduce it. Keep the description short and sweet.
- Provide a log output, if relevant.
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Development requires Hugo static site generator v077.0 from releases page or with Homebrew for Linux and macOS users.
brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/79894aee20a146d6cf7db7b4a362e7d491f499a1/Formula/hugo.rb
Windows users can install Chocolatey. After that Hugo can be installed with
choco install hugo-extended --version 0.77.0
For general info see Hugo documentation.
Content is in content
in CommonMark markdown format, as implemented by goldmark;
Layout templates are in layouts
in HTML format and go template syntax for "actions" (Hugo documentation).
Linux and macOS users can preview the site in http://localhost:1313/ by launching:
Windows users launch:
It will usually refresh automatically when anything is changed
For testing things that require a subdomain, add a subdomain to your hosts file:
# example for MacOS
sudo sh -c "echo '\tdocs.codemagic.local' >> /etc/hosts"
and preview the site in http://docs.codemagic.local:1313/ instead.