This package is a suite of various react components and utilities. Its currently available in a private Microsoft internal feed, thus accessible only for Microsoft employees.
Add below line in your .npmrc file. (create one if not exists)
@microsoft:registry= always-auth=true
Install the package with npm
npm install @microsoft/autocomplete-search-box
Now import the components from '@microsoft/autocomplete-search-box'
import { AutocompleteSearchBox, RenderIf, HighlightTextView } from '@microsoft/autocomplete-search-box';
This component is an extension to the @FluentUI SearchBox to provide auto complete suggestions. All the props available for the FluentUI SearchBox also apply to AutocompleteSearchBox. The additional props are
interface IAutocompleteSearchBoxProps extends ISearchBoxProps {
suggestions?: string[] | ISuggestionItem[];
onSuggestionClicked: (suggestion: string | ISuggestionItem) => void;
inProgress?: boolean;
export interface ISuggestionItem {
getSuggestionItem: (query?: string) => JSX.Element;
getSearchText: () => string;
Currently there are 2 flavors of the component.
In this mode you pass the suggestions as a string array.
const heroes = [
"Iron Man",
"Captain America",
"Black Widow",
"Black Panther",
"Ant Man",
const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = React.useState<string[]>();
const onChange = (newText?: string) => {
if (!newText || newText.trim() === "") {
} else {
heroes.filter((hero) =>
const onSuggestionClicked = (suggestion: string | ISuggestionItem) => {
alert(typeof suggestion === "string" ? suggestion : suggestion.getSearchText());
onChange={(_, newValue) => {
className : CSS class to style the component as per your need
onSuggestionClicked : Called when a suggestion item is clicked
onChange : Called when query in the searchbox is changed (typing/pasting etc)
suggestions : A list of suggestion items (string[] or ISuggestionItem[]) to be shown
In this mode, you pass the suggestions as an array of objects that implement ISuggestionItem
const queryThreshold = 3;
const [inProgress, setProgress] = React.useState(false);
const [dynamicSuggestions, setDynamicSuggestions] = React.useState<ISuggestionItem[]>();
const getSearchQuery = (filter: string) =>
class Product implements ISuggestionItem {
private ID: string,
private Name: string,
private Description: string,
private Price?: number
) {}
getSearchText: () => string = () => {
return this.Name;
getSuggestionItem(query?: string) {
return (
<div key={this.ID} className="suggestionItem">
<div className="suggestionTitleRow row">
<p className="suggestionTitle col-8">
filter={query || ""}
<p className="suggestionPrice col-4">${this.Price}</p>
<div className="col-12 suggestionSubtitle">
filter={query || ""}
const onChangeDynamic = (newText?: string) => {
if (!newText || newText.trim().length < queryThreshold) {
} else {
fetch(getSearchQuery(newText), {
headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
.then((result) => result.json())
.then((result) => {
let products =
(val: any) =>
new Product(val.ID, val.Name, val.Description, val.Price)
onChange={(_, newValue) => {
inProgress: If set true, a progress indicator is displayed on top of the suggestion callout.
debounceTime : Time in miliseconds. When set, the onChange is called after this delay once user stops typing. Used to avoid calling API for each character typed.
A component for conditional rendering in react. If you are like me, you hate mixing javascript into the jsx code as it ruins the readability and formatting of the code.
{inProgress ? <div>Loading...</div> : <div>Loaded</div>}
{inProgress && <div>Loading...</div>}
<RenderIf condition={inProgress}>
This may not look significant difference in the above example but it makes a huge impact in case of nested conditions and complex elements.
<RenderIf condition={inProgress}>
<div className="inline">
Loading <RenderIf condition={page > 0}>more results</RenderIf>
<RenderIf condition={page === 0}> the default results</RenderIf>
A text view that highlights the matching part of the text. Specially useful in filters and searches.
<HighlightTextView text={result.description} filter={query}></HighlightTextView>
All the text snippets that match the query will be highlighted (turned to bold). It makes it find the matching terms in a large text.
The same has been used in the AutocompleteSearchBox
with text suggestions mentioned above.
You can use it while building the suggestion items for AutocompleteSearchBox
with custom suggestions.
We will keep adding more components and utilities into the package. Keep watching for updates. Feel free to report issues if you find any, post feature requests and contribute to the development.