
Data Structures in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Data Structures in C++

Note :
main.cpp in this repo use an include file that needs to be compiled manually so
If you will use the main.cpp included in the repo so Use the command below to compile and run
you must compile the code in terminal manually to work

# to compile the file
$ g++ main.cpp -o main -D FILENAME # FILENAME is the file (specific data sturcture from include.h file) you want to use
# to run
$ ./main.exe 
- All of these Data Structures were built using Templates
- Functions in README are the basic functions only

Hope you find this repository helpful, Have a nice time diving in

You can have a look to my Algorithms also

Table of Contents:

  1. Vector
  2. Singly LinkedList
  3. Doubly LinkedList
  4. Sparse Array Using LinkedList
  5. Sparse Matrix Using LinkedList
  6. Sparse Cube Using LinkedList
  7. Stack Array Based
  8. Stack LinkedList Based
  9. Circular Queue
  10. Queue LinkedList Based
  11. Deque
  12. Binary Tree
  13. Binary Search Tree ( Binary Node )
  14. Binary Search Tree
  15. Min Binary Heap
  16. Max Binary Heap
  17. AVL Tree ( Binary Node )
  18. AVL Tree
  19. Priority Queue Heap Based
  20. Priority Queue AVL Tree Based
  21. Trie Tree ( Letter )
  22. Hash Table
