its a gui made for This Masterpiece code which make some socket stuff to your cloudflare requestes and get it pass through Goofy Firewall (GFW) and similar ones.
wget "" && unzip && cd CFuzzy-main && python3
or even make a shortcut for and double-click on it.
ps. If you Use Linux, make sure you have tk Package. (available in Arch/Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora etc. Repos)
because i made it with Tkinter which is a ancient graphical toolkit, it doesnt look good but it is included in python3 standard package, it has simple syntax, small size, ...
to change their value and using it easier for users and testers.
added some random.randint() feature to send_data_in_fragment() function, which suggested by This Dude
i will not tweaking the tcpproxy script anymore because the original project is very active and i just modify the script for make it compatible with the GUI.
ps. I clearified my additions by #CFuzzy comment in the code.
- make this thing save last settings when closed. ✔ v1.1
~~- adding Farsi Tutorial
- adding an internal xray core for supporting yt feature and more.
- maybe making a server choosing menu from (yebekhe/cf-clean-ip-resolver)
- maybe adding Farsi
- maybe adding some server killer feature in case that you closed app accidentally
i was wanted to choose MIT but the original project used GPL-3, so...