R package: Computes the solution path of the multivariate Scalar-on-Functional Elastic Net regression in serial and parallel.

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This R package runs the Group Elastic Net (including lasso, ridge, elastic net, and ordinary least square) regression with scalar response values and observed functional covariates. In addition, it penalizes the curvature of the output by implementing a penalty on the second derivative of the estimated coefficient curves. One of the two algorithms of this package is ADMM (mostly developed in C++). ADMM is designed for parallel computations and is only recommended on systems equipped with many strong cores. This algorithm runs parallel on Linux, but it runs serial on Windows. The second algorithm uses the fGMD package that is built exclusively for this package. The fGMD package is a heavily modified version of the gglasso package. The features added to the original gglasso package are: the mixing parameter (alpha) and its net search cross-validation, the curvature penalization for functional regression and its net search cross-validation, the optimized Fortran core function to accelerate the curvature penalization updates, and the progress reports with time estimations. For this package to work, first install fGMD as instructed below. The fGMD package does not work independently from this package, and it does not interfere with the functions of the gglasso package due to slight name differences.


It is highly recommended that the latest version of R, Rstudio, and Rtools are installed before installing the following dependencies on R, and the instructions on their pages are followed so they are activated. Sometimes, the best way to handle errors, such as that of gfortran, due to outdated versions of these three programs, is to uninstall all of these three, then install their latest versions in the above order.


In order to have a successful installation, make sure you have all of the required dependencies installed on R. You can install these dependencies with the R commands:
Rcpp (>= 1.0.6) install.packages("Rcpp")
RcppArmadillo (>= install.packages("RcppArmadillo")
fda (>= 5.1.9) install.packages("fda")
Matrix (>=1.3-2) install.packages("Matrix")
pbmcapply (>= 1.5.0) install.packages("pbmcapply")

2-Install fGMD:

You can install fGMD from GitHub with the R command:

install.packages("https://github.com/Ali-Mahzarnia/fGMD/archive/master.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")

3-Install MFSGrp:

You can install MFSGrp from GitHub with the R command:

install.packages("https://github.com/Ali-Mahzarnia/MFSGrp/archive/refs/heads/main.tar.gz",  repos = NULL, type="source")

Alternative Instalation Methods

1- Installing the Development Version:

This method most likely installs the required dependencies automatically. You can install the development version of MFSGrp and fGMD via pacman with the R commands:


2-Installing from the Source files:

If the installation fails with the other methods, install the packages from the source files directly with the R commands:

# fGMD  
install.packages("https://github.com/Ali-Mahzarnia/fGMD/raw/master/fGMD_1.0.tar.gz",  repos = NULL, type="source")
# MFSGrp
install.packages("https://github.com/Ali-Mahzarnia/MFSGrp/raw/main/MFSGrp_1.0.tar.gz",  repos = NULL, type="source")

Manual and Example:

After installations, you can pull up the manual that includes a simulation example by the R command ??MFSGrp. Click on MFSGrp::MFSGrp under the help pages for the manual. If the manual cannot be pulled up, first try .rs.restartR(), then try ??MFSGrp.


The package manual that can be pulled up by ??MFSGrp on the RStudio console has a thorough explanation and set of examples.

p=35 # number of functional predictors for each observation
n=200 # sample size
nt=500 # number of recorded time points for each functional covariate
# nt will be reduced to 100 after the inner products are computed below

X= array(NaN, c(p, n, nt)); # Brownian motion
for(j in 1:p){
  for (i in 1:n){
    X[j,i,]=cumsum(rnorm(nt,0,1)) }

for , , and

# true nonzero coefs: beta_5, beta_8, beta_11, and the rest are zeros
# beta_5(t)=sin(3*pi*t), beta_8(t)=sin(5*pi*t/2) and beta_11(t)=t^2
beta5 = function(t){return(sin(3*pi*t/2))}

for .

beta8 = function(t){return(sin(5*pi*t/2))}
b5=matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=nt)
b8=matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=nt)
b11=matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=nt)

# evaluate population betas on (0,1) at five hundred time points
for(i in 0:nt){

# evaluate the inner products of Xs and beta 5 and 8 and 11 via Reiman sum
Xb5=matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=1)
Xb8=matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=1)
Xb11=matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=1)

for(j in 1:n){
  Xb5[j]=(X[5,j,] %*%b5)/nt

# construct Y
Y=matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=1)
# standard deviation of the noise term
# noise term 
eps=matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=1)
for(n in 1:n){
  eps[, n]=rnorm(1,0,sd)
# the algorithm takes care of the intercept in the prediction
Y=Y+3; #intercept

# make the design matrix (pick every 5 elements), here nt becomes 100
X.obs = X[,,(1:100)*nt/100, drop=FALSE]

# observed times scaled to (0,1)

# test and train sets (half, half)
trainIndex=sample(1:n, size = round(0.5*n), replace=FALSE)
Ytrain=Y[, trainIndex, drop = FALSE ]
Ytest=Y[, -trainIndex, drop = FALSE ]
Xtrain=X.obs[,trainIndex,, drop=FALSE]
Xtest=X.obs[,-trainIndex,, drop=FALSE]

# The model:
# total 35 functional predictors
# beta_5(t), beta_8(t), beta_11(t) are nonzero, and the others are zero

# plot X^1, ..., X^9   (out of total p=35)
for(j in 1:9){
  plot(tt,Xtrain[j,1,],type='l', ylim=c(-30,30), main=paste0("j=",j))
  for(k in 2:10)lines(tt, Xtrain[j,k,])

Figures of the first 9 covariates


# load the library 

# run
m=17 #basisino
part=rep(m,p) # partition

# green: true beta  (only beta5, beta8, beta11 are the nonzero functions)
# black: estimated betas

# lasso 

# in order to see all figures after the run, use the "previous plot" arrow on Rstudio
results=MFSGrp(Ytrain,Xtrain,basisno=m,tt, part=part,Xpred=Xtest,
           Ypred=Ytest, Penalty = "glasso" , bspline=TRUE, sixplotnum="max" , 
           lamdermax=1e-3, lamdermin = 1e-5)

Chosen lambdader is 0.0005994843 and Maximum Estimated Time: 12.2067 seconds

sqrt(results$MSEpredict)  # test Root MSE


sum(results$coef==0)/m    # number of zero functional coefficients among 35


results$lambda # the regularized lambda


Figures of the nonzero funcitonal predictors

Unbalanced time points:

The package manual has multiple examples about this topic.

# We'd generate functional data that are observed unevenly. 
# In this example we'd generate the data so that all funcitonal covariates of one observation
# have the same time points. These time points are different across observations. 
# It's possible to use the package for the case when 
# the number of time points of each functional predictor are different as well.  
# In our case, for example, in the first observation all p curves are observed at: 
# tt[[1]]=0.010, 0.012, 0.026 ... while they are observed at tt[[2]]= 0.026, 0.030, 0.036,... in the second observation
rm(list=ls()) # clear all previous variables in the workspace
p=19 # number of functional predictors for each observation
n=100 # sample size
nt=100 # number of recorded time points for each functional covariate
sigma=0.01 # standard deviation of the noise term

# simulation models true betas
beta1 = function(t){return(sin(3*pi*t/2))}
beta2 = function(t){return(sin(5*pi*t/2))}
# generating unbalanced simulation data 
model.out = MFSGrp::gen.model1(p=p, n=n, nt=nt, sigma=sigma, unbalanced=TRUE)
X = model.out$x
tt= model.out$tt
y = model.out$y
Y = matrix(y, nrow=1) 

#test and train sets
trainIndex=sample(1:n, size = round(0.8*n), replace=FALSE)
Ytrain=Y[, trainIndex, drop = FALSE ]
Ytest=Y[, -trainIndex, drop = FALSE ]
Xtrain = X[trainIndex]
Xtest =  X[-trainIndex]

for , , and . Note that depends on , becasue the observed time points are uneven for each fucntional covariate within an observation, and are diffrenet across observations.

# The model:
# total 3 functional predictors
# beta_1(t), beta_2(t), beta_3(t) are nonzero, and the others are zero

# plot X^1, ..., X^9   (out of total p=35)
for(j in 1:9){
  plot(tt[[j]],Xtrain[[j]][1,],type='l', ylim=c(-30,30), main=paste0("j=",j))
  for(k in 2:10)lines(tt[[j]], Xtrain[[j]][k,])

Figures of the first 9 covariates

# load the library 

m=21 #basisino
part=rep(m,p) #partition

# green: true beta  (only beta1, beta2, beta3 are the nonzero functions)
# black: estimated betas

# Lasso net with forcezero 
results=MFSGrp(Ytrain,Xtrain,basisno=m,tt, part=part,Xpred=Xtest, ADMM=F,
                Ypred=Ytest, Penalty = "glasso" , bspline=TRUE, Silence=FALSE , 
                lamdermax=1e-3, lamdermin = 1e-5, 
                forcezero=TRUE, unbalanced=TRUE)
sqrt(results$MSEpredict)  # test Root MSE
sum(results$coef==0)/m    # number of zero functional coefficients
results$lambda # the regularized lambda

Chosen lambdader is 1e-05 and Maximum Estimated Time: 17.18333 seconds

sqrt(results$MSEpredict)  # test Root MSE


sum(results$coef==0)/m    # number of zero functional coefficients out of 19


results$lambda # the regularized lambda


Figures of the nonzero funcitonal predictors

There is a different version: MFSGrp-class2 with a different unbalanced example:

In MFSGrp-class2, for the unbalanced example, the number of observed time points are different across p functional covariates while they are the same for each functional covariate across observations. In the example of MFSGrp, the observed data points are uneven for each observation while they are the same for the p fucntional covariates within that observation.

Main reference

Mahzarnia A, Song J (2022) Multivariate functional group sparse regression: Functional predictor selection. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0265940. DOI link