This library used for handle input keys and buttons
it's based on HAL layer user can port library to every hardware
for port library user must implement following functions
initPin - configure pin based on input PinConfig
void Key_initPin(const Key_PinConfig* config);
deinitPin - reset pin to register reset value
void Key_deInitPin(const Key_PinConfig* config);
readPin - read pin and return 1 or 0
uint8_t Key_readPin(const Key_PinConfig* config);
and in the final step give Key_Driver to Key_init function remember deinitPin function it's optional and can be disable in Configuration
const Key_Driver KEY_DRIVER = {
- stdint.h
in the configuration part in top of Key.h user can change and customize library based on what need in project
define KEY_MULTI_CALLBACK if u want have sperate callback functions for each state such as Key_onPressed, Key_onHold, Key_onReleased
user can have different Key Active State for each key (pin)
give user Key_State_None callback, must enable KEY_MULTI_CALLBACK None callback fire periodically
user must define deinitPin function in Key_Driver
if Key is based on pair of GPIO and Pin num must enable it for arduino must disable it
hold key io user can change it to GPIO_TypeDef or anything else that system want
hold key pin num or pin bit user can change it to uint8_t for 8-bit systems like AVR
maximum number of keys -1 for unlimited, lib use linked list x for limited keys, lib use pointer array
in Port folder shows how to port and it's provide some port for MCUs
- Key-AVR-Example shows basic usage of