SimpleChat is a simple chat (duh!!) program for local networks. It is written for learning purposes, and there are probably a few things wrong with it!! I am not sure how many simultaneous users it can support, but I have tried it with up to 20 different clients, and it seems to work fine without any problems. It uses Berkeley Socket API for transferring messages using TCP.
Find the IP address of the machine running the server. Then go to chatClient.cpp file , line 25, and change the IP address, so the clients are connecting to the right server!
For the server make sure to add pthread and lsqlite3 flags, and compile it:
g++ chatServer.cpp server.cpp sqlDB.cpp messenger.cpp -o chatServer -std=c++11 -pthreads -lsqlite3
For the client I am using ncurses library, so just add the ncurses flag:
g++ client.cpp chatClient.cpp parentWin.cpp childWin.cpp -o client -std=c++11 -lncurses