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GitHub Demo

git clone [link to repo]

Clones the repo to local git

git add [use (.) or name of the file that has been updated]

Starts tracking changes of chosen files

git commit -m ["description of change"]

Commits the change with a description

git status

Gives the status og the changes

git branch

Displays branch(es)

git checkout [name of the branch]

Go to named branch

git checkout -b [name of the branch]

Creates a new branch and goes into that directory

git diff [name of the branch] (in main branch)

Shows the diff of the changes with other branches

git push (if first time) -u origin [name of branch]

Push the local to web

git merge [name of the branch] (in main branch)

Merge the branch with main

(Have to manually merge on GitHub first)

git pull

Pulls the merged main to local repo again

git branch -d [name of the branch]

Deletes the named branch

git commit -am "message"

Both add and commit but works only on modified files, not new files