Component Creator

This script streamlines the creation of React components with customizable features based on user input.


This script enables the effortless generation of React components in a specified directory. It prompts users for a component name and offers an optional flag (-ui) to create a React component structure. It generates the following files:

  • {ComponentName}.tsx: React component file with a basic structure
  • {ComponentName}.module.scss: Corresponding SCSS module file
  • index.ts: Export file


  1. Run the script.
  2. Input the desired component name when prompted.
  3. Optionally, append -ui to create a UI-specific folder for the component.

Example Usage:

# Run the script

# Input the component name
Enter component name (or 'exit' to quit): MyComponent

# Optionally, add -ui flag for a UI-specific component
Enter component name (or 'exit' to quit): MyUIComponent -ui


  • When prompted for the component name, use a name without spaces.
  • Optionally add -ui to create a UI-specific folder for the component.

Folder Structure

├── {ComponentName}.tsx
├── {ComponentName}.module.scss
└── index.ts