
Processor Implementation in Verilog for The Provided ISA

Primary LanguageVerilog


A 5-stage pipelined processor implementation in verilog for this ISA.

TODO: the processor does not support forwarding, add dummy instruction in your code if there is a dependancy.

1 Processor architecture



  • Data forwarding is not supported in this implemetation YET.
  • In order to make sure that each stage takes 1 clock cycle, all memories (RF, ICache, and DCache) work with negedge clock.
  • Cond ALU performs conditional operations, Comp ALU performs arithmetic and bitwise operations.
  • Taken branch instructions have two cycle penalty, in order to reduce the penalty cycles, we can use branch predictor or additional hardware to check if a branch is taken in Decode stage, which makes it one cycle penalty (still there is a penalty for branch). For more performance improvement, we can also use Branch Predictors which is not implemented in this processor.
  • It is assumed that all the instructions and data are already in ICache and DCache, respectively.(The instructions and the data are loaded into the caches at the begining of the simulation)

2 Project structure

The project constists of four components:

Processor implementation

Located in src/, which is implemented in Verilog and is explained in Processor Architecture section. Contains:

  • Memory.v : Memory used for instruction and data cache. One port for read and one port for write. (write port is not used in instruction cache. On FPGA, BRAMs can be used instead.
  • RF.v : Memory used for Register File. Supports two reads and one write at the same time.
  • FETCH.v : Fetch stage (combinational)
  • DEC.v : Decode stage (combinational)
  • EXE.v : Execution stage (combinational)
  • MEM.v : Memory stage (contains data cache)
  • WB.v : Write-back stage (combinational)
  • PCGen.v : Generates next PC based on branch target address (contains one register for EXE stage flush)
  • Processor.v : All stages' mouldes are instantiated here. Inter-stage registers are put between each stage here (Contains all inter-stage registers)


located in Assembler/, which is an assembler developed in python3 to convert assembly to machine code. In order to use the assembler, run following command in the project's root:

python3 Assembler/main.py path_to_assembly_code_file

The results will be written in the directory of path_to_assembly_code_file with the same name as the input file with .asm extension added to the file name.


located in examples/, which is a testbench that runs a code on the implemented processor using iverilog tool. Following testbench is in the examples/ directory for now:

  • fibonacci_tb.v: first, loads the provided machine code file (examples/fibonacci_code.init) into instruction cache of the processor. Then, loads the data file (/examples/fibonacci_data) into data cache. And finallly, excutes the code on the processor. examples/fibonacci_code is the assemlby code of a programm that calculates Nth first elements of Fibonacci series and save it to the data cache. At the end of each execution, the data cache is dumped to the examples/fibonacci_dcache. (Important note: since the pipelined processor stil does not support data forwarding, dummy instructions are placed between depeneant instructions ADD r10 r10 r10)

In order to execute another program on the processor, change the following paramteres in fibonacci_tb.v:

  • ICACHE_INIT_FILE: The address of the machine code to be loaded in instruction cache
  • DCACHE_INIT_FILE: The address of the data needed by your programm to be executed. If your program does not need data to be in the memory, provide an empty file.
  • DCACHE_DUMP_FILE: The address of the file to which the data chache is going to be dumped after execution


Located in scripts/, which cantains following scripts:

  • install_iverilog.sh: iverilog installation script (tested on Ubuntu 16.04) needs root access to run
  • run.sh: uses the implemeted assembler to convert the /examples/fibonacci_code assembly code to machine code. Then compiles the testbench located in /examples/fibonacci_tb.v with iverilog, and runs the simulation in verbose mode (-v flag enabled) or non-verbose mode. Verbose mode prints the writes to Register file and data cache at any time.

3 How to run simulation

Examplained in Scripts section.