1- User can log in if he's authenticated, if not he can sign up.
2- User can add House to sell or rent to the application .
3- User can search for the house he wants (through filtering results).
4- User can check the house he wants with its every details , location and images.
5- User can set appointment and notify the house owner about this appointment.
Team Members: Victoria AbuZulof - Shada Smadi - Rawan Khasawneh - Ali Shiyyab.
Team Name : Codezilla
Project Name: Sweet Home
Rawan has a high level creativity , Shatha has a special designing taste , Ali is strong in analyzing and solving issues , Victoria with good communication skills.
- How do you plan to approach the day-to-day work?
Stick to the plan.
Daily stand-up meetings.
Daily merging.
What will be your group’s process to resolve conflict, when it arises? By pushing every thing to a readyToDeploy branch(after approvement) and not to push without having everything pulled.
What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other members contribute? No such thing will happen , we are one team .
How will you approach each other and the challenges of the project knowing that it is impossible for all members to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level? By having a clear structure of the project and clear requirments to do (to be divided on each member)
How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing? We will try to see WHY at first, and ofcoarse we will give support .
How and when will you escalate the conflict if your resolution attempts are unsuccessful? We will have a safe copy of each task.
What hours will you be available to communicate? This will be decided depending on how much acheived.
What platforms will you use to communicate (ie. Slack, phone …)? Slack- zoom- discord.
How often will you take breaks? When needed.
What is your plan if you start to fall behind? Increase working hours .
How will you communicate after hours and on the weekend? Using Slack and phones.
What is your strategy for ensuring everyone’s voice is heard? Communication/ every one will have the chance to talk.
How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up? By good communication.
How you will identify tasks, assign tasks, know when they are complete, and manage work in general? Designing Plan.
What project management tool will be used? Using Github, Trello
Git Process What components of your project will live on GitHub? The whole project
How will you share the repository with your teammates? Making organization and give access to all members.
What is your Git flow? No body should work on the main branch.
There will be a preparing Branch to push our work to
Every body would work on a branch
Will you be using a PR review workflow? If so, consider: How many people must review a PR? all members. Who merges PRs? team leader.
How often will you merge? each day or task.
How will you communicate that it’s time to merge? Using the communication platforms.