Prototype combining Pupil eye-tracking with Xtion RGBD sensing

This is a set of prototype design files for a head-mounted combined SLAM/eye-tracking system, based on the Pupil labs headset. The designs are intended to be 3D-printed - see here for more details.


Individual components are contained in Inventor part (IPT) files, with some files containing more than one solid body (these need to be separated out for 3D printing). Some parts are derived from others, which means changes to the root part affect the derived part. This is true for parts representing individual solids from a multi-body part, as well as some other parts: for example, the Pupil-FULL part derives from the Pupil part.

Assemblies show how the parts fit and connect together. An assembly is provided for each of the prototypes, with two different versions for the second prototype.


The designs use mainly metric M2 and some M3 screws and nuts. Slots are provided in several parts for M2 nuts, which should be filled by pushing these nuts into place before assembly.

The prototypes clamp directly onto the edges of the Pupil headset. Screw the clamps on most of the way before mounting, then line up the parts by matching the curve of the front of the headset to the curve in the mounting. Tighten the screws fully to secure the assembly.