- 2
In objective c, how to change text which one selected like "bold","italic","Underline" in textfield
#189 opened by honneeyy - 1
lineSpacing not working
#188 opened by bsv-trungnguyen - 1
Is it possible to assign a attributed string from OHAttributedLabel into UITextview with formatting ?
#185 opened by sundarsan - 4
Can it support "table", "tr", "td", "align=right"?
#187 opened by gclsoft - 1
Unable to parse ul li HTML tags
#186 opened by swalehapatanwala - 9
- 1
wrong line spacing when text contains emoji.
#182 opened by gslqy - 1
Getting the rect of a link
#130 opened by FabienDiTore - 0
Error with custom font
#179 opened by alekseypotapov-dev - 0
Special characters prevents parser from building link
#178 opened by Leveton - 3
Hindi is not presented in iOS6
#174 opened by fuxlud - 1
- 1
- 2
SizeToFit return always 21.0 for height
#151 opened by mladjan - 1
Can't get multi-line sizeToFit to work
#160 opened by rscott78 - 4
OHAttributedLabel carshes (points to null object)
#170 opened by haashem - 1
#169 opened by mosca1337 - 3
Highlight text color
#148 opened by ryanmsusa - 1
Setting text color on links doesn't work in 3.5.3
#167 opened by rhfung - 1
OHAttributed label not showing emoticons
#168 opened by NMann - 3
OHAttributedLabel was rejected as an implicit dependency for 'libOHAttributedLabel.a' because its architectures '' didn't contain all required architectures 'x86_64'
#165 opened by PGSeattle - 6
Underlining text issue
#150 opened by sankaet - 1
- 4
Unexpected border on multiline labels
#153 opened by jberlana - 1
- 2
renderInContext: get a unexpected result
#146 opened by nealsun - 1
unicode letters and digits are not underlined
#140 opened by suhailkaleem - 4
Conflicting Parameter Types under Xcode 5
#154 opened by jdandrea - 1
fix a bug about compute string size
#142 opened by xiaou - 11
OHAttributedLabel scrolling
#133 opened by devbee - 3
Links are not colorised when using setLink:range:
#128 opened by Frizlab - 2
- 2
[OHAttributedLabel drawTextInRect:] crash
#145 opened by nguyentanhoangvu - 1
Feature Request: Multi Colored Background
#152 opened by ryanmsusa - 3
- 0
- 1
Negative Line Spacing
#144 opened by MrBendel - 0
phonenumber in arabic
#139 opened by suhailkaleem - 6
How to get height in heightForRowAtIndexPath
#131 opened by leeeboo - 2
- 2
Character Spacing
#126 opened by lprhodes - 3
Superscript doesn't work
#123 opened by moughxyz - 3
New warning with XCode 4.6
#122 opened by clueckler - 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
OHAttributedLabel integration warning
#116 opened by groue - 19
How to make touchable basic markups?
#113 opened by haashem - 1
Building Error
#115 opened by vacuumFreedom - 2
About OHAttributedLabel padding question
#114 opened by mjspawn