Neural Artistic Style Transfer

This is a pytorch implementation of Neural Artistic Style Transfer, which contains both gradient-based methods (e.g., Gatys et al.) and feed-forward methods (e.g., Johnson et al.).


All code is implemented in Ubuntu 16.04 with following packages:

  1. Pytorch >= 1.0
  2. Python >= 3.6
  3. Cuda >= 9.0

Install pytorch-colors to preserve original colors of content image onto results. Please follow the README script to install it.


Examples from Gradient-based methods

1. Results produced by a normal gradient-based neural style transfer

2. Results produced by gradient-based method with multi-labels in corresponding masks.

3. Gradual transferred results

Examples from Feed-forward methods

1. Results produced with multi-labels in corresponding style masks

2. Results produced by normal feed-forward networks
