
All software for the vision team

Primary LanguagePython


Armour Panel Detection

This approach uses a pipeline of computer vision and machine learning algorithms to detect the center of the panels. The general algorithm goes as follows:

1. Preprocess Image
2. Bitmask LEDs
4. Match target LEDs
5. Compute center of panel

Run-time arguments

parser.add_argument('-c', "--camera", default="webcam", help="Which camera to use, e.g. raspberry, webcam")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--framework', default="opencv",
                        help="Specifies which framework to use as inference, e.g. opencv, tensorflow")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', type=bool, help='Conditonal for displaying frame', default=True)

Example: run on raspberry pi with USB webcam without display

python source -i opencv -s false

Training the model with Keras + Tensorflow 2.0 and performing inference of the model

Set-up the virtual environment

cd vision
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt


cd vision/source/panel_predictor/panel_finder/
python panel_classifier/ --mode train


cd vision/source/panel_predictor
python panel_finder --mode {video/webcam} --video {video_path}

Converting the Keras model to a frozen Tensorflow graph

Tensorflow 2.0 has no longer supports the freezing of tensorflow graphs to .pb files. We need to downgrade in order to do this if we want to use OpenCV DNN

Set up Tensorflow 1.14 virtual environment

cd vision/requirements
virtualenv -p python3 tf114
source tf114/bin/activate
pip install requirements_convert.txt


cd source/panel_predictor/panel_finder/
python panel_classifier/ --mode convert

Inference (Laptop or Raspberry Pi)

Virtual Environments

  • For Raspberry Pi follow the guide in the raspberrypi_setup directory
  • For laptops you can the venv virtual environment


cd vision/source/panel_predictor
python panel_finder/ --mode {video/webcam} --vide {video_path} --framework opencv