
  1. feature

    • install zsh
    • install docker
    • repo clone
  2. usage flow

    • centos:7.6

      1. **choose system, then reset root password**
      1. yum install git -y
      3. clone dotfiles
      4. execute ./centos/
      5. execute ./centos/
      6. execte
      7. **`notice: please us root account`: reset root password, and use as root**
    • ubuntu:20.04

      1. **choose system, then reset root password**
      1. sudo apt-get install git -y
      2. clone dotfiles
      3. execute ./ubuntu/
      4. execute ./ubuntu/
      5. execte
      6. **`notice: please us root account`: reset root password, and use as root**


  1. 使用 ssh 连接时需要 fira code 字体的支持

  2. install zsh: yum | apt-get

    # 1. 查看当前终端
    echo $SHELL
    # 2. 查看所有可用终端
    cat /etc/shells
    # 3. 安装终端
    yum -y install zsh
    echo $ZSH_VERSION
    # 4. 切换使用 zsh
    chsh -s $(which zsh)
    chsh -s /bin/zsh
  3. [centos]version control and version >= 5.0.2

    sudo yum update -y
    sudo yum install -y git make ncurses-devel gcc autoconf man yodl
    git clone -b zsh-5.7.1 /tmp/zsh
    cd /tmp/zsh
    sudo make -j 20 install
  4. install oh-my-zsh: ./

    • oh-my-zsh: this must need fira code support

    • themes: prompt

    • plugins: zsh/git/auto-suggestion/high-light

    • custom directory colors

    • core

      # 1. install oh-my-zsh
      sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
      # 2. un-install
      uninstall_oh_my_zsh zsh
  5. 切换

    exec bash
    exec zsh
  6. 使用

    # 1. 相关环境变量需要配置在 .zshrc | .zshrc_custom
    # 2. source ~/.zshrc
  7. plugins: omz plugin info [systemd]

    • git
    • zsh-autosuggestions
    • zsh-syntax-highlighting
    • zsh-z
    • z: z jump folder
    • timer
    • sudo: double esc
    • docker
    • docker-compose


  1. config git

    git config --global 'Alice52'
    git config --global ''
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ''
  2. install or upgrade pip3

    pip[3] install --upgrade pip
  3. install docker-compose

    pip[3] uninstall docker-compose
  4. config python3 as default python

    # set python3 default
    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2.7 1
    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.6 2
    # get list alternatives
    update-alternatives --list python
    # choose version
    update-alternatives --config python


  1. codespace's terminal