
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Build Status JIRA

ReadoutCard (RoC) module

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Usage
  1. Installation
  2. Implementation notes
  3. Known issues


The ReadoutCard module* is a C++ library that provides a high-level interface for accessing and controlling high-performance data acquisition PCIe cards.

Included in the library are several supporting command-line utilities for listing cards, accessing registers, performing tests, maintenance, benchmarks, etc. See the section 'Utility programs' for more information.

If you are just interested in reading and writing to the BAR, without particularly high performance requirements, feel free to skip ahead to the section "Python interface" for the most convenient way to do so.

The library currently supports the C-RORC and CRU cards.

* Formerly known as the RORC module


The following table provides an overview of the units in the memory layout that you might encounter

Unit Description Typical size
Channel buffer A typically large buffer for DMA transfers from one DMA channel. Typically created by readout process by allocating hugepages Several GiB
Hugepage A large CPU MMU page 2 MiB or 1 GiB
Superpage A physically contiguous subdivision of a hugepage (1 MiB multiple). It is passed to the driver, which will fill it with DMA pages without further intervention 2 MiB
DMA page The unit of individual DMA transfers used by the card 8 KiB for CRU, configurable for C-RORC

The MMU, hugepages, and the IOMMU

Most x86-64 CPUs have an MMU that supports 4 KiB, 2 MiB and 1 GiB page sizes. 4KB is the default, while the bigger ones are referred to as hugepages in Linux. Since the cards can have DMA page sizes larger than 4KiB (the CRU's is 8KiB for example), a 4KiB page size can easily become problematic if they are at all fragmented. The roc-dma-bench program uses hugepages to ensure the buffer's memory is more contiguous and the DMA scatter-gather list is small.

But hugepages have to be allocated in advance. And they're not really needed with the IOMMU enabled (note: the IOMMU has an impact on DMA throughput and CPU usage). With an enabled IOMMU, the ReadoutCard library will be able to present any user-allocated buffer that was registered with the channel as a contiguous address space to the card, simplifying DMA buffer management.

When implementing a readout program with the ReadoutCard library, it is practically mandatory to either enable the IOMMU, or allocate the DMA buffer using hugepages.

Note that an IOMMU may not be available on your system.

For more detailed information about hugepages, refer to the linux kernel docs: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vm/hugetlbpage.txt

For information on how to configure the IOMMU and hugepages for the purposes of this library, see the "Installation" section.


For a simple usage example, see the program in src/Example.cxx. For high-performance readout, the benchmark program src/CommandLineUtilities/ProgramDmaBench.cxx may be more instructive.


ReadoutCard addresses the cards on the level of a PCIe endpoint.

A physical CRU is split into two logical endpoints, with each one addressing 12 of its 24 links. Endpoint 0 sees virtual links 0-11 (physical links 0-11) while endpoint 1 sees virtual links 0-11 (physical links 12-23). Each endpoint publishes two BAR interfaces; BAR 0 for DMA orchestration and BAR 2 for everything else. Each endpoint corresponds to a separate DMA channel.

A physical CRORC corresponds to a single endpoint, addressing its 6 links, with each one having its own BAR interface and DMA channel.

Endpoint 0 1 0
Link # 0-11 0-11 (12-23) 0-5
BAR # 0/2 0/2 0-5
DMA Channel 0 0 0-5

ReadoutCard provides several ways to address a card endpoint:

  1. By the "Sequence ID"; a string with a '#' prefix followed by the sequence number which corresponds to an endpoint (e.g. #2).
  2. By the "PCI Address"; a string following the format "[bus]:[device].[function]", made up of the PCI values which correspond to an endpoint (e.g. 3b:00.0).
  3. By the "Serial-Endpoint ID"; a string following the format "[serial]:[endpoint]", made up of the card's unique serial number and its endpoint (e.g. 1024:1).

Addressing information is provided by the roc-list-cards tool, as shown below:

$ roc-list-cards
  #   Type   PCI Addr   Serial   Endpoint   NUMA  FW Version   UL Version
  0   CRORC  d8:00.0    2942     0          1     v2.7.0       n/a
  1   CRU    3b:00.0    1041     0          0     f0e4f4fa     f0e4f4fa
  2   CRU    3c:00.0    1041     1          0     f0e4f4fa     f0e4f4fa
  3   CRU    af:00.0    1239     0          1     v3.9.1       f71faa86
  4   CRU    b0:00.0    1239     1          1     v3.9.1       f71faa86

Any of the above options can be used to specify an endpoint for all the relevant command-line utility programs, as an argument to the --id command-line option.

The same strings are used for the CardId parameter when using the ReadoutCard library.

DMA channels

Clients can acquire a lock on a DMA channel by instantiating a DmaChannelInterface implementation through the ChannelFactory class. Once this object is constructed, it will provide exclusive access to the DMA channel.

The user will need to specify parameters for the channel by passing an instance of the Parameters class to the factory function. The most important parameters are the card ID (either a serial number or a PCI address), the channel number, and the buffer parameters. The serial number and PCI address (as well as additional information) can be listed using the roc-list-cards utility. The buffer parameters specify which region of memory, or which file to map, to use as DMA buffer. See the Parameters class's setter functions for more information about the options available, or the Parameters section of this README.

Once a DMA channel has acquired the lock, clients can call startDma() and start pushing superpages to the driver's transfer queue. The user can check how many superpage slots are still available with getTransferQueueAvailable(). For reasons of performance and simplicity, the driver operates in the user's thread and thus depends on the user calling fillSuperpages() periodically. This function will start data transfers, and users can check for arrived superpages using getReadyQueueSize(). If one or more superpage have arrived, they can be inspected and popped using the getSuperpage() and popSuperpage() functions.

DMA can be paused and resumed at any time using stopDma() and startDma()

Data Source


The Data Source parameter for the CRU DMA Channel should be used as follows:

DataSource Data Source
Internal DG


DataSource Data Source
Internal DG

Card Configurator

The CardConfigurator class offers an interface to configure the Readout Card. In order to configure the CRU or CRORC, one has to create a CardConfigurator object. The constructor can either be called with a list of parameters, or a path to a configuration file, specifying these parameters.

CRU Parameters

The CardConfigurator utilizes the Parameters class, the same class where Parameters are specified for DMA channels. For the Card Configurator, the parameters need to be initialized for the card on BAR2. The command that achieves that is makeParameters(cardId, 2). Refer to the Parameters section for more information.

The Parameters that affect the configuration of the CRU, their possible values (in ()) and their default values (in []) are as follows:

AllowRejection (true | false) [false]

CruId (0x0-0xffff) [0x0]



DownstreamData (CTP | PATTERN | MIDTRG) [CTP]

GbtMode (GBT | WB) [GBT]

GbtMux (TTC | DDG | SWT | TTCUP |UL) [TTC]

LinkLoopbackEnabled (true | false) [false]

PonUpstreamEnabled (true | false) [false]

OnuAddress (0-4294967296) [0]

DynamicOffsetEnabled (true | false) [false]

TriggerWindowSize (0 - 65535) [1000]

GbtEnabled (true | false) [true]

UserLogicEnabled (true | false) [false]

DropBadRdhEnabled (true | false) [false]

To set any of the above parameters the usual template can be followed.


For example, to set the Clock one can use on of the following:


The above parameters will be set for the enabled links, as specified by the LinkMask parameter. See the LinkMask section for more info.

Note that for AllowRejection, LinkLoopbackEnabled, PonUpstreamEnabled, DynamicOffsetEnabled, GbtEnabled, UserLogicEnabled, DropBadRdhEnabled it is sufficient to do the following, as they are simply booleans.


Likewise for OnuAddress, passing the int is enough.


CRORC Parameters

The CRORC parameters which can be defined from configuration file are: crorcId, dynamicOffset, timeframeLength.

Configuration File

The string containing the path to the configuration file has to start with "file:", otherwise the CardConfigurator will disregard it as invalid. Parameters are split between "global" and "per-link".

The "global" parameters are:


The "per link" parameters are


The configuration file separates the parameter into three groups.

  1. [cru]

    This parts concerns global (i.e. non-link specfic) cru configuration.

  2. [links]

    This part refers to all the links. Configuration that goes in this group will be applied to all links, unless specifically setting parameters for individual links in the next section. For example to enable all links with SWT MUX by default:

  3. [link*]

    This part configures only the individual link and overrides any previous parameters for the specific link. For example:


An example configuration file is provided with cru_template.cfg.

An example of using the CardConfigurator, with Parameters or a config file, can be found in ProgramConfig.cxx

BAR interface

Users can also get a limited-access object (implementing BarInterface) from the ChannelFactory. This provides an interface to reading and writing registers to the BAR. Currently, there are no limits imposed on which registers are allowed to be read from and written to, so it is still a "dangerous" interface. But in the future, protections may be added.


The Parameters class holds parameters used for the DMA Channel, the BAR and the Card Configurator. In order to instanciate a Parameters object one needs to specify at the minimum the card ID and the channel number (i.e. the BAR# to access on the CRU). (To be updated with CRORC. Please assume for now that everything below is CRU-specific.)

Card ID

To make an instance of the Parameters class the card ID has to be passed to makeParameters() as a Parameters::CardIdType object. To construct this from a string one has to use the function Parameters::cardIdFromString(cardIdString).

Channel Number

The BAR to access. Normally DMA transactions are done through BAR0 and configuration and status reports are done through BAR2. Also needs to be passed to makeParameters() resulting in the following call:

Parameters params = Parameters::makeParameters(cardId, channelNumber);


The parameters of the user-provided DMA buffer. Can be a memory address, or a file.

params.setBufferParameters(buffer_parameters::Memory {address, size});
params.setBufferParameters(buffer_parameters::File {pathString, size});


The link mask indicates which links to use. The LinkMask has to be set through a string that may contain comma separated integers or ranges. For example: 0,1,2,8-10 or 0-19,21-23.



The firmware check parameter is by default enabled. It can be used to disable the firmware check when opening a DMA channel.


Other parameters

Operations on all other parameters can be done through setter, getter and getterRequired() functions, as seen in Parameters.h

Utility programs

The module contains some utility programs to assist with ReadoutCard debugging and administration. For detailed information and usage examples, use a program's --help option.

Most programs will also provide more detailed output when given the --verbose option.


Tool to stress BAR accesses and evaluate performance.


DMA throughput and stress-testing benchmarks. It may use files in these directories for DMA buffers:

  • /var/lib/hugetlbfs/global/pagesize-2MB
  • /var/lib/hugetlbfs/global/pagesize-1GB The program will report the exact file used. They can be inspected manually if needed, e.g. with hexdump: hexdump -e '"%07_ax" " | " 4/8 "%08x " "\n"' [filename]


In the event of a serious crash, such as a segfault, it may be necessary to clean up and reset. This tool serves this purpose and is intended to be run as root. Be aware that this will make every running instance of readout.exe or roc-bench-dma fail.


Configures the CRU. Can be executed with a list of parameters, or with a configuration file. Uses the Card Configurator. For more details refer to the --help dialog of the binary.


The compiled example of src/Example.cxx


Flashes firmware from a file onto the card. Note that it is not advised to abort a flash in progress, as this will corrupt the firmware present on the card. Please commit to your flash.

Once a flash has completed, the host will need to be rebooted for the new firmware to be loaded.

Currently only supports the C-RORC.


Reads from the card's flash memory.

Currently only supports the C-RORC.


Lists the readout cards present on the system along with information documented in the following table. Every entry represents an endpoint. For every physical card present in the system, two endpoint entries should be extended for the CRU and one for the CRORC.

Parameter Description
# Sequence ID. Used for addressing within ReadoutCard (int)
Type The card type (CRU or CRORC)
PCI Addr PCI address of the card
Serial The serial of the card (3-5 digit int)
Endpoint Endpoint ID (0/1 for a CRU, 0 for a CRORC)
NUMA NUMA node of the card (0 or 1)
FW Version Firmware version installed (vx.y.z if identified and supported, git hash otherwise)
UL Version User Logic version installed (git hash)

Output may be in ASCII table (default), or JSON format (--json-out option).


Outputs metrics for the ReadoutCards. Output may be in an ASCII table (default) or in JSON (--json-out option) format.

Parameter information can be extracted from the monitoring table below.

Monitoring metrics

To directly send metrics to the Alice O2 Monitoring library, the argument --monitoring is necessary.

Metric: "card"
Value name Value type
"pciAddress" - string
"temperature" - double
"droppedPackets" - int
"ctpClock" - double
"localClock" - double
"totalPacketsPerSecond" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::ID ID of the card
tags::Key::Type Type of the card


Monitors packet statistics per link and per CRU wrapper. Output may be in an ASCII table (default) or in JSON (json-out option) format.

Parameter information can be extracted from the monitoring table below.

Monitoring metrics

To directly send metrics to the Alice O2 Monitoring library, the argument --monitoring is necessary.

Metric: "link"
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"acquisitionRate" - int
"packetsReceived" - uint64_t
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::CRORC ID of the CRORC
tags::Key::ID ID of the link
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRORC
Metric: "link"
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"accepted" - int
"rejected" - int
"forced" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::CRU ID of the CRU
tags::Key::ID ID of the link
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRU
Metric: "wrapper"`
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"dropped" - int
"totalPacketsPerSec" - int
"forced" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::CRU ID of the CRU
tags::Key::ID ID of the link
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRU

roc-reg-[read, read-range, write]

Writes and reads registers to/from a card's BAR. By convention, registers are 32-bit unsigned integers. Note that their addresses are given by byte address, and not as you would index an array of 32-bit integers.


Modifies certain bits of a card's register through the BAR.


Resets a card channel


Deprecated, see section "Python interface" Run a Python script that can use a simple interface to use the library.


Setup hugetlbfs directories & mounts. If using hugepages, should be run once per boot.


Reports status on the card's global and per-link configuration. Output may be in an ASCII table (default) or in JSON (--json-out option) format.

Parameter information can be extracted from the monitoring tables below. Please note that for "UP/DOWN" and "Enabled/Disabled" states while the monitoring format is an int (0/1), in all other formats a string representation is used.

Monitoring status

To directly send metrics from roc-status to the Alice O2 Monitoring library, the argument --monitoring is necessary. The metric format for the CRORC and the CRU is different, as different parameters are relevant for each card type.

Metric: "CRORC"
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"qsfp" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"dynamicOffset" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"timeFrameDetection" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"timeFrameLength" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::ID ID of the card
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRORC
Metric: "link"
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"status" 0/1 (DOWN/UP) int
"opticalPower" - double
"orbitSor" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::CRORC ID of the CRORC
tags::Key::ID ID of the link
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRORC
Metric: "CRU"
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"CRU ID" Assigned CRU ID int
"clock" "TTC" or "Local" string
"dynamicOffset" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"userLogic" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"runStats" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"commonAndUserLogic" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"timeFrameLength" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::ID ID of the card
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRU
Metric: "onu"
Value name Value Type
"onuDownstreamStatus" 0/1 (DOWN/UP) int
"onuUpstreamStatus" 0/1 (DOWN/UP) int
"onuStickyValue" 8-bit int
"onuStickyVaulePrev" 8-bit int
"onuAddress" ONU Address int
"rx40Locked" 0/1 (False/True) int
"phaseGood" 0/1 (False/True) int
"rxLocked" 0/1 (False/True) int
"operational" 0/1 (False/True) int
"mgtTxReady" 0/1 (False/True) int
"mgtRxReady" 0/1 (False/True) int
"mgtTxPllLocked" 0/1 (False/True) int
"mgtRxPllLocked" 0/1 (False/True) int
"ponQualityStatus" 0/1 (Bad/Good) int
"ponRxPower" dBm int
"glitchCounter" int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::ID ID of the card
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRU
Metric: "fec"
Value name Value Type
"clearFecCrcErrors" 0/1 (Good/Bad) int
"latchFecCrcErrors" 0/1 (Good/Bad) int
"slowControlFramingLocked" 0/1 (Good/Bad) int
"fecSingleErrorCount" 8-bit counter (0x0 = good) int
"fecDoubleErrorCount" 8-bit counter (0x0 = good) int
"crcErrorCount" 8-bit counter (0x0 = good) int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::ID ID of the card
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRU
Metric: "link"
Value name Value Type
"pciAddress" - string
"gbtMode" "GBT/GBT" or "GBT/WB" string
"loopback" 0/1 (Enabled/Disabled) int
"gbtMux" "DDG", "SWT", "TTC:CTP", "TTC:PATTERN", "TTC:MIDTRG", or "TTCUP" string
"datapathMode" "PACKET" or "STREAMING" string
"datapath" 0/1 (Disabled/Enabled) int
"rxFreq" - double
"txFreq" - double
"status" 0/1/2 (DOWN/UP/UP was DOWN) int
"opticalPower" - double
"systemId" 8-bit hex string
"feeId" 12-bit hex string
"glitchCounter" - int
"fecCounter" - int
"pktProcessed" - int
"pktErrorProtocol" - int
"pktErrorCheck1" - int
"pktErrorCheck2" - int
"pktErrorOversize" - int
"orbitSor" - int
"rdhCorruptedDropped" - int
Tag key Value
tags::Key::SerialId Serial ID of the card
tags::Key::Endpoint Endpoint of the card
tags::Key::CRU ID of the CRU
tags::Key::ID ID of the link
tags::Key::Type tags::Value::CRU

NB: For link 15 (User Logic), when enabled, the list of values exported is a subset of the metrics above: "orbitSor".


Logging is achieved through the use of the InfoLogger library.

Error codes in the range 4000-4999 are assigned to ReadoutCard. These are further partitioned according to components:


4000 - 4099 Full Range
4000 - 4010 Internal logger


4100 - 4199 Full Range


4200 - 4399 Full Range
4200 - 4239 General DMA
4250 - 4299 CRU DMA
4300 - 4349 CRORC DMA

Card Configuration

4600 - 4699 Full Range
4600 - 4649 CRU
4650 - 4699 CRORC


4700 - 4799 Full Range


4800 - 4899 Full Range
4800 - 4804 CTP emulator
4805 roc status


4350 - 4599
4900 - 4999


The module makes use of exceptions. Nearly all of these are derived from boost::exception. They are defined in the header 'ReadoutCard/Exception.h'. These exceptions may contain extensive information about the cause of the issue in the form of boost::error_info structs which can aid in debugging. To generate a diagnostic report, you may use boost::diagnostic_information(exception).

Python interface

If the library is compiled with Boost Python available, the shared object will be usable as a Python library. It is currently only able to read and write registers. Example usage:

import libReadoutCard
# To open a BAR channel, we can use the card's PCI address or serial number
# Here we open channel number 0
bar = libReadoutCard.BarChannel("42:0.0", 0) # PCI address
bar = libReadoutCard.BarChannel("12345", 0) # Serial number

# Read register at index 0
# Write 123 to register at index 0
bar.register_write(0, 123)
# Modify bits 3-5 to at index 0 to 0x101
bar.register_modify(0, 3, 3, 0x101)

# Print doc strings for more information
print bar.__init__.__doc__
print bar.register_read.__doc__
print bar.register_write.__doc__
print bar.register_modify.__doc__

Note: depending on your environment, you may have to be in the same directory as the libReadoutCard.so file to import it. You can also set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to the directory containing the libReadoutCard.so file.


Install the dependencies below and follow the instructions for building the FLP prototype.

Alternatively, you can install the FLP Suite to completely set up the system.



In order to use a CRU/CRORC the package versions have to adhere to the following table.

ReadoutCard CRU firmware CRORC firmware PDA Driver PDA Library
v0.10.* v3.0.0/v3.1.0 - v1.0.3+ v12.0.0
v0.11.* v3.0.0/v3.1.0 - v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.12.* v3.2.0/v3.3.0 - v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.13.* v3.2.0/v3.3.0 v2.4.0 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.14.* v3.2.0/v3.3.0 v2.4.0 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.14.5 v3.4.0 v2.4.0 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.14.5 v3.5.0 v2.4.0 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.15.0 v3.5.1 v2.4.0 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.16.0 v3.5.2 v2.4.0 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.19.2 v3.5.2 v2.4.1 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.21.1 v3.6.1 v2.6.1 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.22.0 v3.7.0/v3.8.0 v2.6.1 v1.0.4+ v12.0.0
v0.24.0 v3.7.0/v3.8.0 v2.7.0 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.25.1 v3.9.0/v3.9.1 v2.7.0 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.26.0 v3.9.1. v2.7.0 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.27.0 v3.9.1/v3.10.0 v2.7.0 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.32.1 v3.9.1/v3.10.0 v2.7.0/v2.8.0 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.32.2 v3.9.1-v3.12.0 v2.7.0-v2.8.1 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.34.0 v3.13.0 v2.7.0-v2.8.1 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.35.0 v3.13.0 v2.9.0-v2.9.1 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.36.0 v3.13.0/v3.14.0 v2.9.0-v2.9.1 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0
v0.41.0 v3.13.0/v3.17.1 v2.9.0-v2.11.0 v1.1.0+ v12.0.0

The PDA Driver entry refers to the pda-kadapter-dkms-*.rpm package which is availabe through the o2-daq-yum repo as an RPM.

The PDA Library entry refers to the alisw-PDA*.rpm package which is pulled as a dependency of the ReadoutCard rpm.

Both PDA packages can also be installed from source as described on the next section.

For the CRU firmware see the gitlab repo.

Note: The CRU firmware compatibility table has lower precedence to an (optionally present) firmware compatibility json file, which is always searched for in /etc/o2.d/readoutcard/o2-roc-fw-list.json. This is a flat json map, as seen in the example file o2-roc-fw-list.json.


The module depends on the PDA (Portable Driver Architecture) library and driver. If PDA is not detected on the system, only a dummy implementation of the interface will be compiled.

  1. Install dependency packages
yum install kernel-devel pciutils-devel kmod-devel libtool
  1. Download PDA
git clone https://github.com/AliceO2Group/pda.git
cd pda
  1. Compile
./configure --debug=false --numa=true --modprobe=true
make install #installs the pda library
cd patches/linux_uio
make install #installs the pda driver
  1. Optionally, insert kernel module. If the utilities are run as root, PDA will do this automatically.
modprobe uio_pci_dma


At some point, we should probably use kernel boot parameters to allocate hugepages, or use some boot-time script, but until then, we must initialize and allocate manually.

Either use the script roc-setup-hugetlbfs.sh (located in the src directory), or do manually:

  1. Install hugetlbfs (will already be installed on most systems)
yum install libhugetlbfs libhugetlbfs-utils
  1. Set up filesystem mounts
hugeadm --create-global-mounts
  1. Allocate hugepages
# 2 MiB hugepages
echo [number] > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
# 1 GiB
echo [number] > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/nr_hugepages

Where [number] is enough to cover your DMA buffer needs.

  1. Check to see if they're actually available
hugeadm --pool-list

Note that after every reboot it is necessary to run the roc-setup-hugetlbfs.sh script again or repeat the previous manual steps.



To enable the IOMMU, add iommu=on to the kernel boot parameters.


DMA buffer registration involves a system call called mlock(2). This locks memory areas in the RAM so that they don't get paged to swap. Linux users have to abide to a global limit, which can be seen by running ulimit -l.

Lift that limit for the pda group by adding the following in /etc/security/limits.conf:

@pda hard memlock unlimited
@pda soft memlock unlimited


The library must be run either by root users, or users part of the group 'pda'. The PDA kernel module must be inserted as root in any case.

Implementation notes

Channel classes

The DmaChannelInterface is implemented using multiple classes. DmaChannelBase takes care of locking and provides default implementations for utility methods. DmaChannelPdaBase uses PDA to take care of memory mapping, registering the DMA buffer with the IOMMU, creating scatter-gather lists and PDA related initialization. Finally, CrorcDmaChannel and CruDmaChannel take care of device-specific implementation details for the C-RORC and CRU respectively.


Enums are surrounded by a struct, so we can group both the enum values themselves and any accompanying functions. It also allows us to use the type of the struct as a template parameter.

Volatile variables

Throughout the library, the variables which (may) refer to memory which the card can write to are declared as volatile. This is to indicate to the compiler that the values of these variables may change at any time, completely outside of the control of the process. This means the compiler will avoid certain optimizations that may lead to unexpected behaviour.

Shared memory usage

Shared memory is used in several places:

  • C-RORC's FIFO (card updates status of DMA transfers in here)
  • DMA buffers (as destination for DMA transfers)

Scatter-gather lists

Scatter-gather lists (SGLs) contain a sequence of memory regions that the card's DMA engine can use. The granularity of the regions is in pages. Without an SGL, the DMA buffer would have to be a contiguous piece of physical memory, which may be very difficult to allocate. With an SGL, we can use pages scattered over physical memory. The regions can also presented in userspace as contiguous memory, thanks to the magic of the MMU.

Known issues

C-RORC concurrent channels

On certain machines, initializing multiple C-RORC channels concurrently has led to hard lockups. The cause is unknown, but adding acpi=off to the Linux boot options fixed the issue. The issue has occurred on Dell R720 servers.