

The following external libraries are used to create this visualisation:

Papa Parse to parse the data from csv to json Wicket to transform the coordinates from WKT to json objects containing lat and lon Leaflet for the map Mapbox.directions for calculation of routes between the points L.OverPassLayer for external data via Overpass API Leaflet.markercluster for cluster markers at same location D3 for the interactive visualisation Bootstrap for a responsive layout

Testing and Known Bugs

The page was tested in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox as well as on Android. Some bugs are known and not yet fixed:

  • zoom to selected route does not work, nor zoom to FeatureGroup with directions layer. Uncaught TypeError: e.getBounds is not a function
  • time line does not scale correctly on small screens
  • CRS won't fit when using EPSG:4326 and WMS layer

Further Ideas

  • after filtering all routes could show up for that time slot
  • select multiple markers at once to show all their routes
  • bounce corresponding directions marker on hover
  • buttons to change routing profile (driving / cycling / walking) - or maybe show strait lines without routing
  • routes along same street to add up stroke width instead of overlapping each other
  • use distance for further analysis: how far do people travel?
  • check out Crossfilter for fast filtering of large datasets

Data Description

The file searches.csv contains a random selection of route searches done by users in Berlin on one day.


1. Visualise the data using Javascript in at least one spatial representation and one non-spatial representation
2. Enrich the visualisation by adding external data
3. Deliver the final representation in a single product