How to detect emotions from speech using Bi-directional LSTM and attention mechanism in Keras.
The developed application is aimed at classifying utterances from the Berlin Dataset of Emotional Speech (EMO-DB), according to the expressed emotion. The used dataset is available at and the considered emotions are: anger, boredom, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and neutral.
The application is composed by the following steps:
- Feature extraction: features are extracted by exploiting Librosa, a python package for music and audio analysis. Considered features are: spectral centroid, spectral contrast, spectral bandwidth, spectral rolloff, zero crossing rate, rms, mfcc and mfcc's first order derivatives.
- Class balancing: I used SMOTE for dealing with class imbalance.
- Model training: I trained a bi-directional LSTM network enhanced with attention.
- Performance evaluation: I evaluated the trained model using 20 test samples per emotion, achieving 90% accuracy. In order to assess the benefits brought by the attention mechanism, I also tested a simplified version of the model without attention, achieving about 75% accuracy, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed attention mechanism.
- Attention weight visualization: I analyzed how the system paid attention to the provided audio files while recognizing the different emotions.
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- tensorflow==2.4.0
- matplotlib==3.3.3
- Keras_Preprocessing==1.1.2
- librosa==0.8.0
- numpy==1.19.5
- imblearn==0.0
- keras==2.4.3
- scikit_learn==0.24.1
- seaborn==0.11.1