This is my first Raspberry Pi GPIO project. It's a simple twitter client, showing the user timeline in a text 16x2 LCD, I use a button to change to the next tweet in the list. The script is Python, it uses also the twitter API.
First you need to create a twitter app here: Then you should take your credentials, rename the file config.ini.dist to config.ini and enter your twitter app tokens in the file:
Now you need to setup your pyhton environment.
You will need the folowing libs:
RPi.GPIO: The library that comunicates with your raspberry pi thru gpio, if you already used arduino and the wiring language you will be familiar with this.
Tweepy: Python Twitter Library, basycaly it helps you with the authentication and twitter api.
I also used a lib from Adafruit, the Adafruit_CharLCD, this is for the LCD: file, no need to install.
To install RPI.GPIO and Tweepy I used pip.
Instaling Pip:
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$ sudo easy_install -U distribute
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
Installing libs with Pip:
$ sudo pip install rpi.gpio
$ sudo pip install tweepy
Wiring: I used the Adafruit raspberry pi cobbler kit to easly connect the GPIO to a breadboard.
Connect your GPIO and run the python script:
$ sudo python
And you're done!