Official PyTorch implementation of “S2WAT: Image Style Transfer via Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Strips Window Attention”

Primary LanguagePython

S2WAT (AAAI 2024)


Official PyTorch implementation of the paper:

S2WAT: Image Style Transfer via Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Strips Window Attention

Chiyu Zhang, Xiaogang Xu*, Lei Wang, Zaiyan Dai, Jun Yang*

S2WAT is a universal style transfer method consisting of three parts: a) an encoder based on a hierarchical vision Transformer, b) a transfer module based on a Transformer decoder, and c) a decoder based on a mirrored VGG. Introducing window-based hierarchical vision Transformers, such as Swin Transformer, to image style transfer directly will result in locality problem. S2WAT overcomes this problem with Strips Window Attention (SpW Attention) and is capable of alleviating the content leak issue.



Style Transfer Examples



Results under Content Leak



  • Python = 3.8.13
  • PyTorch = 1.10.0
  • CUDA = 11.3
  • cuDNN = 8.2.0

Optionally, if you are a conda user, you can execute the following command in the root directory of this repository to create a new environment with all dependencies installed.

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Pretrained Models & Datasets

Pretrained Models

If you want to use the pre-trained model to perform style transfer or train a new model taking the pre-trained parameters as the initial, please download the pre-trained files from Google Drive as follows:

Put VGG19 to the pre_trained_models directory and the pre-trained model to the pre_trained_models/checkpoint directory under the root of this repository. Then execute the following commands (Training or Testing) in the root of the repository.


The datasets of content images and style images are as follows:

Content Dataset Style Dataset
MS_COCO 2014 WikiArt

We select 80000 pictures from COCO and WikiArt respectively to build content and style datasets. Then preprocess the content and style datasets before training with data_preprocess.py in which images are resized to 512 on the shorter side and then randomly cropped to 224 x 224. You can use the preprocessed version of the datasets directly or execute the following commands to build one.

python3 data_preprocess.py --source_dir ./source --target_dir ./target
  • source_dir: Directory to the images to be processed
    • source_dir needs a subfolder of any name to load images, such as ./source/images
  • target_dir: Directory to save the processed images


To train S2WAT by yourself, you can run the following commands. Before running the commands, please make sure:

  • the pre-trained VGG19, vgg_normalised.pth, should be placed to vgg_dir.
  • the pre-trained model, checkpoint_40000_epoch.pkl as default, should be placed to checkpoint_import_path, if you want to train a model taking a checkpoint as the initial parameter.
# Train from scratch
python3 train.py --content_dir ./input/Train/Content --style_dir ./input/Train/Style --vgg_dir ./pre_trained_models/vgg_normalised.pth --epoch 40000 --checkpoint_save_interval 10000 --loss_count_interval 400

# Train from a checkpoint
python3 train.py --content_dir ./input/Train/Content --style_dir ./input/Train/Style --vgg_dir ./pre_trained_models/vgg_normalised.pth --epoch 40000 --checkpoint_save_interval 10000 --loss_count_interval 400 --resume_train True --checkpoint_import_path ./pre_trained_models/checkpoint/checkpoint_40000_epoch.pkl
  • content_dir: Directory path to a batch of content images
  • style_dir: Directory path to a batch of style images
  • vgg_dir: Directory path to the pre-trained VGG19
  • epoch: The number of iterations of the training has
  • checkpoint_save_interval: Directory path to save a checkpoint
  • loss_count_interval: The interval to calculate average losses
  • resume_train: Whether or not to train with a checkpoint as the initial parameters
  • checkpoint_import_path: Directory path to the importing checkpoint


To test the style transfer performance of the pre-trained model. Before running the following command, please make sure:

  • the pre-trained model, checkpoint_40000_epoch.pkl, are placed to the checkpoint_import_path.
  • the input_dir contains two subfolders, Content and Style, and each subfolder has loaded images.
python3 test.py --input_dir ./input/Test --output_dir ./output --checkpoint_import_path ./pre_trained_models/checkpoint/checkpoint_40000_epoch.pkl
  • input_dir: Directory path to a batch of content and style images which are loaded in Content / Style subfolders respectively
  • output_dir: Directory to save the output images
  • checkpoint_import_path: Directory path to the importing checkpoint


If you have any questions, please contact alienzhang19961005@gmail.com.