
Python wrapper for the Etherpad Lite HTTP-API

Primary LanguagePython

API version

The supported API version is 1.2.15

This python api enables easy interaction with the Etherpad API. Etherpad is a collaborative editor provided by the Etherpad Foundation. http://etherpad.org

1 Installation

pip install pyetherpadlite

2 Preparation

If you are using a self hosted Etherpad server, you will need to specify an API Key after installation before using the API. (See https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite for installation details).

Your secret api key should be placed in the base installation (etherpad-client folder) in a text file named APIKEY.txt. Many linux text editors automatically create an extra newline character at the end of the file, so I recommend simply executing the following command to set your api key without a newline character:

echo -n "myapikey" > APIKEY.txt

Once you have created the APIKEY.txt file, you will need to edit the py_etherpad.py wrapper to set your API key. Edit the 'apiKey' variable and set it to the same key as defined in your APIKEY.txt file.

3 Basic usage

from py_etherpad import EtherpadLiteClient
myPad = EtherpadLiteClient('EtherpadFTW','http://beta.etherpad.org/api')
# Change the text of the etherpad
myPad.setText('testPad','New text from the python wrapper!')

4 More details

See the src/py_etherpad/__init__.py file for further details on the methods and parameters available for the API. Nearly all calls from the official API work as in the official documentation described. (expect sendText, appendText and setHTML for Text > 8KB)

5 Test coverage

Actually im writing the tests for each topic.

Already finished:

  • Groups
  • Pads

Nearly finished:

  • Author

6 License

Apache License

7 Credit

This python API-Wrapper is a Fork from devjones and is inspired by TomNomNom's php client