
in thise tool you can auto mate a massage

Primary LanguagePython


in thise tool you can auto mate a massage

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Automated Message Sender

This Python script allows you to automate sending a specified number of messages with a given content using the pyautogui library.


  • Python 3.x
  • pyautogui library (you can install it using pip install pyautogui
  • Time library (you can install it using pip install Time


  1. Clone the repository or download the script MessageAutomator.py to your local machine.

  2. Install the required library by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install pyautogui
pip install time
Run the script:
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python automated_message_sender.py
The script will prompt you to provide the following information:

Number of messages you want to send (number_of_messages)
Content of the messages (message_content)
Once you have entered the required information, the script will wait for 5 seconds to give you time to position your cursor appropriately for the messaging application.

The script will then start sending messages with the specified content. Each message will be sent after a 3-second delay to allow for processing.

After sending all the messages, the script will display "Script executed successfully."

Important Notes
Use Responsibly: Please use this script responsibly and ensure that you have consent to send messages on the target platform or application.

Application Compatibility: Some applications may have measures in place to detect and prevent automation. Be mindful of the terms of service and guidelines of the application you are interacting with.

Customization: The script uses a fixed delay of 3 seconds for each message to be sent. Depending on the application and its response time, you may need to adjust this delay. You can modify the time.sleep(3) calls in the script accordingly.

Positioning the Cursor: Make sure to position your cursor correctly before running the script, as it will start sending messages from the current cursor position.

This script is provided for educational purposes only. The author and OpenAI do not take responsibility for any misuse or damages caused by the usage of this script.

Use it at your own risk!

Python Script: MessageAutomator.py