
  • The scripts provided in this repository are the result of using Private LLM models, which have generated the foundational code. I have then modified and customized said code to fit specific requirements and use cases. By using these scripts, you acknowledge and accept the fact that they are based on code generated by Private LLM models and have been modified by me for practical purposes.

Usage of Scripts

  • Please use the provided scripts responsibly and ensure that they align with your specific needs and requirements. Always double-check their functionality and potential side effects before deploying them in a production environment or on sensitive systems. I will not be held responsible for any unintended consequences, damages, or liabilities resulting from the usage of these scripts.

Feedback and Improvements

  • If you find any issues, have suggestions for improvements, or would like to request customized scripts, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request in this repository.


  • These scripts are provided without any warranty and are distributed under the MIT license. Use them at your own risk. For more information about the license, please refer to the LICENSE file in this repository.