Co_Operate Blog APP

this is an android app to make users share posts

contents :

1- sign up activity :

   thats allow users to sign up into the app with email and password

2- sign in activity :

   thats allow users to go inside the app 

3- main activity :

   it is a list of items every item contains : 
	     1- the posts to the user who are friends 
	     2- the posting siction 
	     3 - search bar 
	     4- logout button
	            autocomplete text to be easy to find users 
	            thats allow users to search about another users to follow

4- account activity :

   it have the name of the user 
   and the relathion if he is a :
          - friend to you it will be 1st 
	  - friend to a friend of you it will be 2nd with him 
   and contains 
   1- add button 
   2- deatails button
   3- friends of him button 
   4- list of his posts