
A Minecraft Spigot Plugin to send pre-defined messages with command. Support PlaceholderAPI.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Minecraft Spigot Plugin to send pre-defined messages with command. Support PlaceholderAPI.


You can set pre-define messages which support PlaceholderAPI in the config file. And you can use command to send this pre-defined messages.

The message can be sent to the player who sent the command. Or to the entire server.

Why I write this

I write this plugin to work with PlaceholderAPI so that I can get some server information by command, like TPS, RAM, etc.

I used to use EssentialX plugin with /gc command. But I am running a Minecraft 1.19 server which EssentialX plugin is not compatible with. And EssentialX is a huge plugin and I do not need most of its features.


  1. Download the plugin JAR from GitHub Release
  2. Put the JAR file in your plugins folder
  3. Restart your server
  4. You're ready to go


When you first start the server with this plugin, a config.yml will be created in the plugin's config folder.

The default config comes with a demo Command Entry. You can edit it or add more Command Entry in the config.yml file.

info:                   # Command entry name, you can add more this kind of section in the config file
  command: info         # Command, same with the command entry name
  permission: ""        # The permission required to use, leave empty as no permission required
  target: self          # Send target. `self` for the command executor, `all` for the entire server
  message: |-           # The message body
    §3================ SERVER INFO ================§r
    §r  §6Version: §b%server_version%§r
    §r  §6Uptime: §b%server_uptime%§r
    §r  §6Players online: §b%playerlist_online,normal,yes,amount%/%server_max_players%§r
    §r  §6RAM (MB):§r
    §r    §6Used: §b%server_ram_used%§r
    §r    §6Total: §b%server_ram_total%§r
    §r    §6Free: §b%server_ram_free%§r
    §r    §6Max: §b%server_ram_max%§r
    §r  §6TPS: %server_tps%§r
    §r  §6Entities: §b%server_total_living_entities%/%server_total_entities%§r
    §r  §6Chunks: §b%server_total_chunks%§r

Be aware that the message in the demo is using placeholder API. You need to install PlaceholderAPI plugin and server and playerlist expansion.

You can try to run /tb info to see the result.


  1. /tb <Entry Name> - Send the pre-defined message
  2. /tbr - Reload the config file
  3. /tbl - List all available command entries


This plugin is free and open source under the Apache 2.0 license.