
Algorithm for classification of banknotes of the real (BR). It uses EmguCV (opencv wrapper) and was implemented using SVM (Support Vector Machine) + BOF (Bag of Feature). Note: it can be easily modified to classify other objects.

Primary LanguageC#


Algorithm for classification of banknotes of the real (BR). It uses EmguCV (opencv wrapper) and was implemented using SIFT + SVM (Support Vector Machine) + BOF (Bag of Feature). Note: it can be easily modified to classify other objects.

SIFT - https://docs.opencv.org/master/da/df5/tutorial_py_sift_intro.html
SVM - https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/ml/introduction_to_svm/introduction_to_svm.html
BOW - https://gilscvblog.com/2013/08/23/bag-of-words-models-for-visual-categorization/

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