
:slot_machine: React Slot Machine Button

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Slot Machine Button


Slot Machine Button Demo

Install and Import

npm i slot-machine-button -S

Within a React project:

// SomeComponent.js

import React from 'react';
import SlotMachineButton from 'slot-machine-button';

// ...


1 minute setup


A more complex one

  delay={[0, 0.3]}
    'aria-label': 'button'
  <span data-slot-disable>Slot</span>
  <span data-slot-duplicate>Machine</span>
  <span data-slot-duplicate>Button</span>


There are two props can be passed to the children:

  • data-slot-disable to disable the effect for the child even if it's placed within the component.

  • data-slot-duplicate to clone the child, in order to have two identical children to do the effect.

Each group of children will be placed in a .wheel class, and the elements of two states inside will have the classes .active.part or .idle.part respectively.


Available props:

props type description default
activeOnHover boolean activate the slot effect on hover none (false)
bottomToTop boolean direction of the slot effect false (from top to bottom)
className string css class name of the button none
delay number delay before the start of the animation [1] 0 (second)
domAttributes object all DOM attributes the component may need none
duration number the duration of a one-way slot effect 0.5 (second)
ease object the GSAP ease for the slot effect [2] Expo.easeInOut
element string the container element of the component button (<button/>)
fadeBack boolean if it should fade back instead of slot back false
fadeBackDuration number duration for fading back 0.6 (second)
fadeBackEase object GSAP ease for fading back Linear.easeNone
fadeDuration number the fade duration of the slot effect 0.4 (second)
idleHasTransparency boolean if the idle layer has transparency [3] false
isActive boolean receive the active state from its parent none (false)
onClick function function called on click none
onMouseEnter function function called on mouse enter none
onMouseLeave function function called on mouse leave none
shouldComponentUpdate function function passed into shouldComponentUpdate () => false
  1. The delay can also be an array of different delays in the same order of the children.
  2. Usually easeInOut works better for both ways of transition.
  3. Experimental: It is recommended to use solid color for both idle and active layers. But if this is set to true when fadeBack is true, the active layer will fadeOut.

Related Props

activeOnHover and isActive

Usually only one of them should be used:

  • Use activeOnHover to go to active state by hovering the component itself

  • Or use isActive to switch between states based on this props passed from the parent

duration and fadeDuration

fadeDuration should be shorter than the duration to make the slot effect more realistic.

fadeBackDuration, fadeBackEase and idleHasTransparency with fadeBack

These props only works when fadeBack is set to true

Commonly Used Style

These css rules are usually used to vertically center the content in the button

.slot-machine-button .part {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

Test & Development

git clone https://github.com/Jam3/slot-machine-button.git
cd slot-machine-button

npm i
npm t