This is a proof of concept example for using the Fitbit Web API. It demonstrates:

  • Obtaining consent from a user to make requests to the Fitbit Web API using OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow
  • Subscribing to changes in the user's activity data
  • Receiving notifications when the user's activity data is updated

This is not intended to be an example of a idiomatic hapi.js application. It is merely a demonstration of the above core concepts. In other words, don't use this code as the foundation for your next great Fitbit Web API app.

I'm serious. This is not a well structured Node.js application.

This example app uses NeDB, a flat-file database similar to Mongo. It's meant to be easy to demo, not highly scalable.

This example assumes you're using Node.js 4.2.x

To get started

npm install

Fitbit Web API client settings at

Set your OAuth redirect URI to: /signin

Set your subscriber endpoint URI to: /webhook-receiver

To run locally

FITBIT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=todo_your_fitbit_client_id \ FITBIT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=todo_your_fitbit_client_secret \ COOKIE_PASSWORD=todo_put_anything_here \ PORT=8000 \ CLOUD_DIR='./' \ node index.js

To receive notifications locally, you'll need to use a tool like ngrok. ~/Applications/ngrok http 8000

To run on Modulus:

Set the environment variables using the instructions at FITBIT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID FITBIT_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET COOKIE_PASSWORD

(PORT and CLOUD_DIR will be automatically added by Modulus)

How non-ephemeral file storage (used by NeDB) works on Modulus: