
A chance to focus on graph drawing itself, forget APIs and other stuffs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


codecov PyPI version Build Status Supported Python Version License

You just become an artist in graph drawing once you start using Graphviz-Artist.

If you don't have the demand of fine-grained controling upon generated graphs, the learning curve of graphviz-artist is actually horizontal.

This package provides a higher-level encapsulation for the python package graphviz, and you might want to have a try at the latter.


  • Install Graphviz.
  • pip install graphviz-artist


Undirected Graph

import graphviz_artist as ga

# make a graph
g = ga.Graph()

# make nodes
n1 = g.new()
n2 = g.new()
n3 = g.new()

# (>), (==) and (<) could create edges for graphs.
# n2 > n3 / n3 < n2 : there is an edge n2 -> n3
# (==) will be introduced later, as it's only meaningful to directed edges.
_ = n1 > n2 > n3 > n1


Directed Graph

import graphviz_artist as ga

# use attr module to see which Graphviz Attributes
# could be auto-completed.
import graphviz_artist.attr as attr

# use HorizontalGraph
g = ga.Graph(attr.HorizontalGraph)

# `attr.Shape("<name>")` to specify the shape of nodes.
n1 = g.new(attr.Label('hey'), attr.Shape.diamond)
n2 = g.new(attr.Label('hey'), attr.Shape.hexagon)
n3 = g.new(attr.Label('you'), attr.Shape.star)

# `attr.Directed()` makes a directed edge.
directed = attr.Directed()

# `attr.Label` to specify the text that edges display
edge_label = attr.Label("passed_here")

# `attr.Penwidth` to decide the width of edge glyph.
edge_size = attr.Penwidth(2.)

# in `a < b[b_to_c_attrs...] > c`, the edge `b -> c` will have attribute `b_to_c_attrs`.
_ = n3[directed, edge_label, edge_size] > n1[directed] == n2 > n3


Expression Tree

import graphviz_artist as ga
import graphviz_artist.attr as attr

# make a graph
g = ga.Graph(directed=True)

new = g.new

# decl nodes
false = new(attr.Label("False"))
true = new(attr.Label("True"))
not_ = new(attr.Label("not"))
and_ = new(attr.Label("and"))

unary1 = new(attr.Label("unary"))
unary2 = new(attr.Label("unary"))
binary = new(attr.Label("binary"), attr.Width(2), attr.Shape.box)
expr = new(attr.Label("expr"))

# build graph
_ = false > unary1 < not_
_ = true > unary2

_ = and_[attr.Label('Op')] > binary

# XLabel: For edges, the label will be placed near the center of the edge.
_ = unary1[attr.XLabel("Left operand")] > binary
_ = unary2[attr.XLabel('Right operand')] > binary
_ = binary > expr
