Responsive Events/News Tracking Website Using Django & JavaScript For Backend, HTML5-CSS-Bootstrap5 For Frontend
- Responsive Django based feature tracking website.
- Contains authentication system and personalized UI.
- Smooth scrolling in each section.
- Improves user experience and security by using AJAX.
- Visualizes news and events.
- Compatible with all mobile devices and desktops (Used latest Bootstrap 5.2).
- Data Lake interaction over user actions
- Data sorting and categorizing for data providing.
- Data Back up and modification for user needs and data needed fields.
- Checks username and email availability.
- Increased password strenght acceptance.
- Registration can be done in this section.
- Compatible table view for all devices.
- Category search is available for news.
- CRUD for records
- Pagination for compatibility
- Compatible table view for all devices
- Advanced search with real time data for locations.
- Compatible table view for all devices.
- Automatic search for online and free events.
- Country search is available for events.
- CRUD for records
- Pagination for compatibility
- Active and scheduled web scraping with minimum affect on user experience.
- Threads use database for efficient data location
- Server-side automated spiders for data location.
- Spiders can locate and save specified data online.
- Automation for sorting valid data.
- Registered users can save news to their profile.
- Registered users can save events to their profile.
- CRUD operations on saved records.
- External access from website.
- Registered users can create a Todo list with multiple items.
- CRUD operations on to-do items.
- Registered users can save external links with desired name.
- CRUD operation on saved links.
- ChatGPT like functionality for registered user.
- Basic crawler structure and link displaying for given questions.
- Error display on login screen
- Image handling for events (for images couldn't find)
- Crawler structure fix over website's update
- API update
- Friend system
- Sharing list between friends.
- More crawlers.
- API support (After domain register).
- Cron implementation for database updates.