
tools for drawing points, polylines and polygons on Cesium.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tools for drawing points, polylines and polygons on Cesium.js

cesium drawing tool


  1. getAll() - get all drawn shapes
  2. getPoints() - get all drawn points
  3. getPolylines() - get all drawn polylines
  4. getPolygons() - get all drawn polygons


  1. Jquery (version >= 3.3.1)
  2. Material icons (version >= 3.0.1)

How to use

let viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {});

let cesiumDrawingTool = new CesiumDrawingTool(
    viewer, // cesium viewer object
    'cesiumContainer', // viewer DOM id
    'your/pin/image' // location pin image uri

// activate drawing tool