Stock Market Prediction using Numerical and Textual Analysis


To create a hybrid model for stock price/performance prediction using numerical analysis of historical stock prices, and sentimental analysis of news headlines(of that particular day).


  • Extract Sentiment Scores from given newspaper headlines data, with the help of nltk's SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

  • For this problem statement, I took inspiration from this paper: and decided to carry out Multivariate Time Series Forecasting using Keras' LSTM.

  • I used Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), to model the temporal effects of past events(both Textual, i.e the sentiment scores and Historical stock data) on opening prices

  • Achieved Training loss: 0.0479 and Validation loss: 0.0254

  • Achieved RMSE on the Test data : 475.102

Data used to analyze and predict: