
Beer flow meter monitoring for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dependency Status devDependency Status


Read events from USB (serial port) and publish to AWS SNS.

The real world application for this is reading from six flow meters connected to the lines running from kegs to the tags in a keezer (a freezer kegerator). The flow meters are read by an Arduino Diecimila and a signal sent via USB (serial) to a Raspberry Pi. Using node.js, the pulses are read and sent to AWS SNS.


  • Install Node Modules with npm i
  • Configure AWS

AWS Config

Replace the X's in the aws-config.js with your own values.


node index --port <port>


node index --port /dev/tty.usbserial-A4001JUP

Find Port with USB Device

ls /dev

Sample Data Structure




  • Add links