
Blackboard Gradebook REST Web Service Building Block

Primary LanguageJava

Blackboard Gradebook REST Web Service B2

This building block provides easy access to the Blackboard Gradebook via a REST Web Service.

Currently under development. YMMV


To build this project, clone the project to a local directory cd to the directory, then run the following command for unix/osx.

./gradlew build

or, for windows.

gradlew.bat build

You can find the building block war file in the build/libs directory.

Web Service Usage

All request paths must begin with


BBLEARN may be replaced with bb_bb60 if your Bb installation has been upgraded from an old (pre 9.1) version.


All requests require credentials passed using HTTP Basic Auth. In curl this would look like the following.

curl -u username:password https://yourbbinstall.edu/blah/blah/blah

Basic Auth credentials are NOT encrypted. Make sure all your requests are performed over https

Before you start using the WebService, you must configure a username and password on the Building Block settings page.


The following actions are available:

Get All Courses

If you have a lot of courses, think carefully before calling this

GET /courses

curl Example

curl https://yourbbinstall.edu/webapps/atd-bbws-BBLEARN/ws/courses

Example Response

Example truncated for clarity.

        "children": null,
        "courseId": "MECM10005_2015_SM1_DOO_1",
        "externalId": "MECM10005_2015_SM1_DOO_1",
        "id": "_26_1",
        "title": "Academic Writing and Communication"
        "children": null,
        "courseId": "MECM10005_2015_SM2_DOO_1",
        "externalId": "MECM10005_2015_SM2_DOO_1",
        "id": "_27_1",
        "title": "Academic Writing and Communication"



Get a single Course

GET /courses/{courseId}

  • courseId is the value stored in the COURSE_ID column in the DB.

curl Example

curl https://yourbbinstall.edu/webapps/atd-bbws-BBLEARN/ws/courses/my_test_course

Example Response

    "children": [
            "children": null,
            "courseId": "2016_161_ECON77-102_RBNA_67893",
            "externalId": "2016_161_LAWS77-102_RBNA_67893",
            "id": "_57_1",
            "title": "Foundations of Economics"
            "children": null,
            "courseId": "2016_161_ECON10-102_RBNA_67892",
            "externalId": "2016_161_LAWS10-102_RBNA_67892",
            "id": "_56_1",
            "title": "Foundations of Economics"
    "courseId": "2016_161_ECON13-102_RBNA_67891",
    "externalId": "2016_161_LAWS13-102_RBNA_67891",
    "id": "_55_1",
    "title": "Foundations of Economics"

Get all Assessments for a course

GET /courses/{courseId}/gradebook/assessments

  • courseId is the value stored in the COURSE_ID column in the DB.

curl Example

curl https://yourbbinstall.edu/webapps/atd-bbws-BBLEARN/ws/courses/my_test_course/gradebook/assessments

Example Response

        "id": "_110_1",
        "internalName": "Weighted Total",
        "name": null,
        "pointsPossible": 0.0,
        "userCreatedAssessment": false,
        "valueType": "PERCENT"
        "id": "_109_1",
        "internalName": "Total",
        "name": null,
        "pointsPossible": 0.0,
        "userCreatedAssessment": false,
        "valueType": "NUMBER"
        "id": "_115_1",
        "internalName": "Assignment One",
        "name": "Assignment One",
        "pointsPossible": 25.0,
        "userCreatedAssessment": true,
        "valueType": "NUMBER"

Get a single Assessment for a course

GET /courses/{courseId}/gradebook/assessments/{assessmentId}

  • courseId is the value stored in the COURSE_ID column in the DB.
  • assessmentId is a Bb PkId of the form _123_1

curl Example

curl https://yourbbinstall.edu/webapps/atd-bbws-BBLEARN/ws/courses/my_test_course/gradebook/assessments/_123_1

Example Response

    "id": "_117_1",
    "internalName": "Final Exam",
    "name": "Final Exam",
    "pointsPossible": 50.0,
    "userCreatedAssessment": true,
    "valueType": "NUMBER"

Get all Marks for a single Assessment for a course

GET /courses/{courseId}/gradebook/assessments/{assessmentId}/marks

  • courseId is the value stored in the COURSE_ID column in the DB.
  • assessmentId is the Bb PkId for the Assessment. It has the form _123_1

curl Example

curl https://yourbbinstall.edu/webapps/atd-bbws-BBLEARN/ws/courses/my_test_course/gradebook/assessments/_123_1/marks

Get all Courses for a User

GET /users/{username}/courses

  • username is the value stored in the USER_ID column in the DB.

curl Example

curl https://yourbbinstall.edu/webapps/atd-bbws-BBLEARN/ws/users/administrator/courses

Example Response

    "id": "_202_1",
    "courseId": "2016_161_ECON77-102_RBNA_67893",
    "externalId": "2016_161_LAWS77-102_RBNA_67893",
    "title": "Foundations of Economics",
    "children": null
    "id": "_224_1",
    "courseId": "2016_161_ENGL31-102_GWAB_14239",
    "externalId": "2016_161_ENGL31-102_GWAB_14239",
    "title": "Academic Writing and Communication",
    "children": null