
AllTheGreatShows - Podcast aggregator website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Podcast website and directory database

Project Information

Running Locally

First, clone the repo to your local machine. It's important that the path to your local copy of the repo does not include any spaces.

$ git clone https://GitHub.com/AllTheGreatShows/allthegreatshows.git
$ cd AllTheGreatShows

Next (assuming you have Python 3), install virtualenv if you don't already have it. (You may have to use sudo.)

$ pip3 install virtualenv

Next, create your virtual environment. Please name your virtual environment env, as that name will be ignored by git.

$ virtualenv env

To enter your virtual environment, run the following command:

$ source env/bin/activate

You command prompt should now have the prefix (env). Next, install the required Python packages with this command:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Once you have the required Python packages, you can now run the project locally! Running is as simple as this command:

$ python3 run.py

You can quit the server using ^C.

Testing and Deploying to GCP

First, Install and initialize the Google Cloud SDK (https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/)

Test the application using the local development server (dev_appserver.py), which is included with the SDK.

From within the root directory where the app's app.yaml configuration file is located, start the local development server with the following command:

$ dev_appserver.py app.yaml

The local development server is now running and listening for requests on port 8080.

Deploying the Application

To upload the app, run the following command from within the root directory of your project where the app.yaml file is located:

$ gcloud app deploy

Optional flags: Include the --project flag to specify an alternate Cloud Platform Console project ID to what you initialized as the default in the gcloud tool. Example: --project allthegreatshows-180700 Include the -v flag to specify a version ID, otherwise one is generated for you. Example: -v [YOUR_VERSION_ID]

Viewing Your Application

Open your browser and view your app at https://allthegreatshows-180700.appspot.com/

Alternatively, you can use

$ gcloud app browse

Git Workflow

1. Create a working branch

Name branches with your initials followed by a description of the change you're going to make. For example:


2. Make changes, rebase as you go

If you're working on a feature or bug fix that will take multiple days, it is recommended to rebase your branch to the parent branch each morning before you continue working. This will keep your branch up-to-date and minimize the amount of conflicts you'll need to resolve before merging the PR.

3. Create a series of atomic commits

Ideally, each commit would be a small, self-contained change to the codebase. For example, one commit might add a feature, fix a bug, refactor one 'concept' across the codebase, or move code from one place to another. The codebase should be buildable between each commit. (This policy simplifies merge conflict resolution, code review, git-bisect, etc.)

The first line of a commit message is ideally 50 characters or less, for brevity and good style (longer messages get cut off).

4. Push and make a Pull Request

Add any additional info that you would be helpful to code reviewers:

  • Link to Trello card
  • Developer notes regarding the hows and whys of the change

5. Wait for two or more code reviews

Use GitHub's snazzy new "request review" feature to request reviews from specific team members.

You may want to request reviews from team members that are familiar with the ticket, project, or area of code the PR relates to.

6. Make edits, rebase and squash if necessary and push again

Rebasing might be necessary if other people have merged since your PR was posted. Please be very careful when resolving conflicts to not remove necessary code. Use 'git blame' to determine the previous author of the conflicted code and confirm with them what the correct change should be.

To make amendments to an existing commit, try git commit --amend to amend the most recent commit, or otherwise git rebase -i. Recommended reading on that front: Auto-squashing Git Commits.

You can also use GitHub's "Squash and Merge" button to smoosh your branch together before it gets merged. This makes the commit a single commit (atomic) in master and makes it easy to undo if necessary.

7. Reach out to your reviewers

You can view the progress of your code reviews on the PR page.

Not all of your reviewers will have GitHub notifications turned on, and the new GitHub review mechanism doesn't allow for pinging reviewers when you've addressed their concerns. Be proactive and reach out via the Slack channel or to reviewers personally and gently remind them your PR is ready for sign-off. No one wants to slow you down but they may not realize that you've already finished the changes.

8. Merge your PR, then delete the branch

Once you've received at least two approvals and have resolved all "changes requested", use GitHub's green merge button to merge the PR. Please use the "Squash and Merge" option when merging. After you squash and merge once, this will become your default merge option.

Deleting your branch helps keep the repo clean and removes an ambiguity as to what has been completed or is in-progress.

Points Assets Notes
20 pts Report.pdf Quality of the technical report: Write a technical report (2,500 words); {motivation, use cases, RESTful API, models, tools, hosting}; The audience comprises other software developers, as opposed to users. Format the report clearly, attractively, and consistently, using good sections, multiple pages, good headers, figures, and grammar. Use https://www.grammarly.com.