
This is an app that sends webhooks to a given endpoint for my bachelor's thesis.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an app that sends webhooks to a given endpoint for my bachelor's thesis.

This app is build with a React frond-end (/client), an Express server back-end (/server) and a Postgress database. /server2 is a server that can receive webhooks.

All relevant data is logged in the console.

Getting started

  1. git clone https://github.com/AllUsernamesHaveBeenTaken/Webhooks-BP

  2. Open 3 terminals

    Navigate to:

    • /client
    • /server
    • /server2

    npm or yarn install

    There is no install needed for server2

  3. Create a postgress db named 'webhooks'

  4. Instal knex globaly npm install knex -g

  5. In /server/db knex migrate:latest

  6. Start servers: node or nodemon index.js

  7. Start client: yarn start

Aaaand you're guud to go.


You need an account for authenticated calls.

You can use my predefined credentials after running this cURL call:

curl "http://localhost:8080/signup" \
  --include \
  --request POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "username": "seppesnoeck",
    "password": "Azerty123"


  1. For a Signed and HTTP Authentication webhook use: http://localhost:8000/webhook_endpoint
  2. For an API Retrieval webhook use: http://localhost:8000/webhook_endpoint_retrieval
  3. To get a server error ent trigger the retry with backoff functionality use: http://localhost:8000/500

Extra info

  • The client is running on PORT:3000
  • The server is running on PORT:8080
  • server2 is running on PORT:8000