
Some sugar for Django projects

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django sweet utils.


A little django code sugar.

If you find this package useful, please star it on GitHub.


  1. Add django_sweet_utils to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Inherit your models from django_sweet_utils.db.models.Model:

    from django_sweet_utils.db.models import Model
    class MyModel(Model):

    From now your models has the following fields:

    • uuid4 as object id;
    • created_at as object creation time;
    • updated_at as object last update time;
    • is_deleted as indicator that object is deleted or not;

    Models that inherited from django_sweet_utils.db.models.Model can be filtered with simple existing() property:

    from django_sweet_utils.db.models import Model
    class MyModel(Model):
    queryset = MyModel.objects.existing()

    This returns queryset filtered by is_deleted=False

    Also, now you don't need to catch DoesNotExist error when attempting to get some object while it does not exist. Just use get_or_none() instead of get() and query returns None if there is no object.



Fake deletion

You can delete your objects without actual database deletion. Just use delete() method on your model instance and it will be marked as deleted with is_deleted=True:

To perform actual deletion use hard_delete() method instead.

UUID4 as object id

Every model instance has uuid4 field as object id.

Created and updated time

Every model instance has created_at and updated_at fields as object creation and last update time.

Existing objects

You can get only existing objects with existing() property on your model manager.

queryset = MyModel.objects.existing()

Get or none

You can get object or None if it does not exist with get_or_none() method on your model manager.

obj = MyModel.objects.get_or_none(pk=1)



Inherit your DRF API views from django_sweet_utils.api.views:

from django_sweet_utils.api.views import UpdateAPIView, DestroyAPIView

class MyUpdateView(UpdateAPIView):

class MyDestroyView(DestroyAPIView):


There is PageNumberPagination class that adds page_size query parameter to PageNumberPagination class.

   'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'django_sweet_utils.api.pagination.PageNumberPagination',
   'PAGE_SIZE': 10,

From now your views supports POST request method instead of PATCH and DELETE DestroyAPIView does not perform actual database deletion, but only marks file as deleted with is_deleted=True


There is DjangoModelPermissions class that adds view permission to DjangoModelPermissions class on GET request method.


Hard deletion action for admin panel.

from django_sweet_utils.admin import hard_delete_selected

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    actions = [hard_delete_selected]


Prettier choice field

You can use custom ChoiceField instead of ChoiceField from rest_framework to get prettier choices representation in API.

from django_sweet_utils.api.serializers import ChoiceField

class MySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    my_field = ChoiceField(choices=MY_CHOICES)

Prettier multiple choice field

You can use custom MultipleChoiceField instead of MultipleChoiceField from rest_framework to get prettier choices representation in API.

from django_sweet_utils.api.serializers import MultipleChoiceField

class MySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    my_field = MultipleChoiceField(choices=MY_CHOICES)

Template tags

format_string template tag

You can use format_string template tag to format string with arguments.

{% load django_sweet_utils %}

{{ "Hello, {0}!".format_string("World") }}

set_query_string_param template tag

You can use set_query_string_param template tag to set query string parameter.

{% load django_sweet_utils %}

{% set_query_string_param "page" 1 %}

More info about this tag you can find here.


Customised JSON formatter

There is CustomisedJSONFormatter class that formats log records as JSON.

from django_sweet_utils.logging import CustomisedJSONFormatter

APP_LABEL = "my_app"
ENVIRONMENT = "production"

formatter = CustomisedJSONFormatter()

Customised JSON handler

There is CustomHandler class that handles log records as JSON.

from django_sweet_utils.logging import CustomHandler

handler = CustomHandler()


Custom JSON encoder

You can use LazyEncoder to serialize lazy objects to JSON.

from django_sweet_utils.misc import LazyEncoder

json.dumps({"lazy": lazy_object}, cls=LazyEncoder)