
This is a multipage School Website project created for a fictional company. The website is designed to showcase the company's history, products, services, recent advertisements, and enable online transactions. The project utilizes HTML, CSS and incorporates some JavaScript functionalities.


  • Landing Page (index.html): This serves as the entry point to the website.
  • Home Page (home.html): Provides a brief history of the company.
  • Products Page (products.html): Displays different products offered by the company.
  • Projects Page(projects.html): Displays different projects done by the company.
  • Contacts Page( Displays contact information that you can use to reach the company


  • Background Images Background images have been strategically inserted on various pages to enhance the visual appeal and brand representation.

  • Appropriate Images Appropriate images have been used to represent different aspects of the company, such as products, Photoshop services, and advertisements.

  • Hyperlinks Hyperlinks have been used to connect the different pages. The navigation structure is designed to allow users to seamlessly explore various sections of the website.

  • Frames Frames are employed where applicable to display different pages, ensuring a structured and organized presentation of content.

  • Tables and Forms Tables are utilized to present structured data, and forms are included for online transactions, enhancing user interactivity.

  • Marquee The tag is used to add dynamic scrolling text, providing an engaging and visually appealing element to the website.


    This project is a learning exercise created by beginners to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Feel free to explore.


    Allan Njoroge
    Lynn Kamau
    Brighton Ouma
    Brighton Munene
    Wise Orado
    Francis Austin
    Ali Abeid