
An image cropper for HTML5. Supports rectacle shapes, aspect ratios and zooming.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Image Cropper

An HTML5 image cropping tool. Features a rectangular crop area. The crop area's aspect ratio can be enforced during dragging. The crop image can either be 1:1 or scaled to fit an area. Also supports multitouch on touch supported devices.



Live demo

Live demo on JSBin


  • A modern browser (mobile or desktop) supporting <canvas>



Add files

Add the script to your application.

<script src="ImageCropper.min.js"></script>

Public Functions

ImageCropper(canvas, x, y, width, height, keepAspect, touchRadius):void

Constructor function that initializes the image cropper.

Parameter Description
canvas The canvas element that the cropping tool will display on.
x Optional: The left position of the crop area.
y Optional: The top position of the crop area.
width Optional: The initial width of the crop area.
height Optional: The initial height of the crop area.
keepAspect Optional: Enforces that the aspect ratio is kept when dragging the crop area. The aspect ratio is defined by the width and height paramater.
touchRadius Optional: The radius for detecting touches/clicks on the corner drag markers and the centre drag marker.

getCroppedImage(fillWidth, fillHeight):Image

Returns an image that is cropped from the source image based on the crop area. If no fillWidth and fillHeight is set the image will be a 1:1 crop. If fillWidth and fillHeight are set the cropped image will scale to fit. It is recommended to ensure the fillWidth and fillHeight are set to the same aspect ratio as the crop area to prevent distortion.

Parameter Description
fillWidth Optional: The fill width that the cropped area will map to.
fillHeight Optional: The fill height that the cropped area will map to.


Set the image for the image cropper.

Parameter Description
image The image that will be used for cropping.


Checks to see if an image has been set.


Returns the bounds (left, right, top, bottom) of the crop area relative to the original source image.

Example code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<title>Image Cropper Test</title>
			Select image to crop: <input type="file" id="fileInput" name="file" multiple="" />
			<canvas id="imageCanvas" width="600" height="400" style="border:0px solid #000000;">
		Cropped image:
		<div id="preview"></div>
		<script src="ImageCropperTest.js"></script>
		<script src="ImageCropper.js"></script>


var crop;
window.onload = function () {
    var canvas = document.getElementById("imageCanvas");
    var width = 600;
    var height = 300;
    crop = new ImageCropper(canvas, canvas.width / 2 - width / 2, canvas.height / 2 - height / 2, width, height, true);
    window.addEventListener('mouseup', preview);
function preview() {
    if (crop.isImageSet()) {
        var img = crop.getCroppedImage(400, 200);
        img.onload = (function () { return previewLoaded(img); });
function previewLoaded(img) {
    if (img) {
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
    var file = evt.target.files[0];
    var reader = new FileReader();
    var img = new Image();
    //listener required for FireFox
    img.addEventListener("load", function () {
    }, false);
    reader.onload = function () {
        img.src = reader.result;
    if (file) {


See the LICENSE file.