
geomtextpath fails CRAN check

friendly opened this issue · 14 comments

I use geomtextpath for vignette examples in my nestedLogit package. I just got an email from CRAN that my package fails to check:

 Quitting from lines 150-156 [wlf-ggplot-p2] (plotting-ggplot.Rmd)
  Error: processing vignette 'plotting-ggplot.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
  Problem while converting geom to grob.
  ℹ Error occurred in the 4th layer.
  Caused by error in `txt$shape[, shape_vars]`:
  ! Can't subset columns that don't exist.
  ✖ Column `x_midpoint` doesn't exist.

But I see that geomtextpath also fails for essentially the same problems: See the results at

Can you let me know your plans to resolve this?

@AllanCameron #117 should have fixed this issue and geomtextpath should in theory be ready to send a hotfix to CRAN

I installed the devel version from GitHub, and my examples now work.

Any chance to release the new version on CRAN? My package will be removed in a week. I'm wondering if I should remove the dependency on geomtextpath.

(for some reason, the deadline of my package is a week earlier than that of geomtextpath...)

Sorry, I have been extremely tied up yesterday. I hope to get the updated version over to CRAN tomorrow.

Allan if you're busy I'll offer to do the checklist, so you just have to accept the email when submitted to CRAN

If you have time that would be great Teun.

Just hit this myself, thought it was a textshaping bug (this error occurs with textshaping version 0.4 but not 0.3.7). Thanks for saving the trouble and confusion of posting a bug report for textshaping ...

Reminder: My package nestedLogit and gghighlight both of which Suggests: geomtextpath are due to be removed from CRAN on 6/17/2024, FIVE DAYS from now.

Once a package is removed, it is treated as NEW by CRAN checks, which entails much more rigorous testing and is a real pain in the butt.

Unknown to me is how long before the removal date for nestedLogit your revised package that fixes this error must be accepted on CRAN.

Can you please advise me of your plans for geomtextpath?

The only thing I can do is to remove or revise the vignette in which I use geomtextpath, which I'd rather avoid.

Did you already inform CRAN that the failure is due to the incompatibility between textshaping and geomtextpath? I already emailed them and they confirmed. If my package will be archived before geomtextpath, it would be CRAN's fault.

@yutannihilation @friendly @bbolker I have already submitted the revised version, and this morning I have had a confirmatory e-mail that it is on its way to CRAN. I apologise for the delay in sorting this out.

Great! Thanks for maintaining this wonderful package.

Thanks so much for sorting this out.