Software developer with greater focus on web development, passionate about programming and technology!
RadinfoTocantins, Brasil
Pinned Repositories
Aplicação desenvolvida para foco na construção de um website responsivo, que se adapta à tela de diferentes monitores. Esta, faz uma busca simples em uma API de CEP online (, onde busca e exibe os dados de acordo com o CEP informado pelo usuário.
The project developed is a kind of digital point, made for company employees, in which the employee registers his point of arrival or departure and the record is available for other employees to see who is or is not in the company at a given time.
Sistema de geração de currículos com um layout simples, mas que pode contribuir para a vida profissional do usuário, que possui total acesso para adicionar suas informações no currículo, além de dispor da possibilidade de imprimir o seu currículo de forma simples, prática e rápida.
Repository developed during the ASP .NET Core Training course maintained by the company Luis Dev. In this project, concepts of development of Web APIs using .NET 6, Clean Architecture, CQRS, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, Repository Pattern, Unit Tests, Authentication and Authorization with JWT, Messaging and Microservices were applied.
Repository developed during the ASP .NET Core course maintained by the company Luis Dev. This project was developed in the microservices module of the course, to simulate a payments microservice from the project DevFreela using RabbitMQ.
The project developed is a digital vote in which the voter can vote in several ballots but only in one option per vote. The following technologies/patterns were used in this project: C#, ASP.NET Core, .NET 7.0, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, PostgreSQL, JWT authentication, FluentValidation, CQRS and Repository Pattern.
This project is a simple spelling correction API from ChatGPT, which has a unique and efficient method to correct misspelled English texts. When sending a text with errors as a query param named "text", the API returns the same text, but with all necessary corrections made.
Repository developed to practice knowledge in ASP .NET Core using C#, .NET 6, Clean Architecture, CQRS, Entity Framework Core, Dapper and Repository Pattern. This project is a URL shortener and uses PostgreSQL as a database.
AllanDutra's Repositories
Repository developed during the ASP .NET Core Training course maintained by the company Luis Dev. In this project, concepts of development of Web APIs using .NET 6, Clean Architecture, CQRS, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, Repository Pattern, Unit Tests, Authentication and Authorization with JWT, Messaging and Microservices were applied.
The project developed is a digital vote in which the voter can vote in several ballots but only in one option per vote. The following technologies/patterns were used in this project: C#, ASP.NET Core, .NET 7.0, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, PostgreSQL, JWT authentication, FluentValidation, CQRS and Repository Pattern.
Sistema de geração de currículos com um layout simples, mas que pode contribuir para a vida profissional do usuário, que possui total acesso para adicionar suas informações no currículo, além de dispor da possibilidade de imprimir o seu currículo de forma simples, prática e rápida.
Aplicação desenvolvida para foco na construção de um website responsivo, que se adapta à tela de diferentes monitores. Esta, faz uma busca simples em uma API de CEP online (, onde busca e exibe os dados de acordo com o CEP informado pelo usuário.
The project developed is a kind of digital point, made for company employees, in which the employee registers his point of arrival or departure and the record is available for other employees to see who is or is not in the company at a given time.
This project is a simple spelling correction API from ChatGPT, which has a unique and efficient method to correct misspelled English texts. When sending a text with errors as a query param named "text", the API returns the same text, but with all necessary corrections made.
Repository developed during the ASP .NET Core course maintained by the company Luis Dev. This project was developed in the microservices module of the course, to simulate a payments microservice from the project DevFreela using RabbitMQ.
This project was developed for my personal organization, where it is possible to register, update and remove my goals for the current year.
Repository developed to practice knowledge in ASP .NET Core using C#, .NET 6, Clean Architecture, CQRS, Entity Framework Core, Dapper and Repository Pattern. This project is a URL shortener and uses PostgreSQL as a database.
A computing education platform designed for children aged 6 to 10, aligned with the learning objectives outlined in the Computing appendix of Brazil's National Common Curricular Base (BNCC).
This repository is being developed to fully delve into the Javascript language and its Typescript superset on both the front-end and back-end.
Repositório Institucional (RI). 50% do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) do curso Técnico em Informática. Desenvolvido por Allan Dutra , Thiago Antunes, Rillary Rocha e Jhúlia Ágatha.
This project was developed during the course "NextJS from zero to advanced in practice 2023" promoted by Matheus Fraga on Udemy.
This project was developed during the course "NextJS from zero to advanced in practice 2023" promoted by Matheus Fraga on Udemy
This repository was developed during the Next Level Week Return promoted by Rocketseat in order to learn how to develop an API in Node following the principles of S.O.L.I.D. using the Prisma ORM and applying unit tests with Jest, plus email submissions with nodemailer
This repository was developed following the rocketseat platform classes in order to learn mobile development with the React Native tool
This repository was developed following the rocketseat platform classes in order to learn mobile development with the React Native tool
This repository was developed during the next level week cup, promoted by the Rocketseat team, in order to cover more knowledge related to the Javascript stack with React and Next.JS technologies for the Web, React Native and Expo for the Mobile App, in addition to from Node JS and Fastify to the backend server. All technologies used Typescript.
This repository was developed following Rocketseat's video to learn how to create a CRUD in a Node API using Express, TypeORM and PostgreSQL
This repository was developed following the Rocketseat video in order to learn how to follow S.O.L.I.D concepts in a Node API
This repository was developed to learn how to create a CRUD in C# in version 5.0 of .NET using clean architecture following the playlist by Francis Silveira Andrade on YouTube
This project was developed during the Ignite Lab week proposed by the Rocketseat team for the purpose of specializing my knowledge in React technology
This application was developed following the Rocketseat video to learn how to work with a Node API using S.O.L.I.D principles and applying unit tests using the development technique TDD — Test-driven development